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Josh Griffiths
1 Min Read

Over the last week, I’ve written David Hayter’s name more times than Hayter himself probably has in his entire life. Whether it be writing the script for CAT: Bloodstained, it’s follow-up article, the script for today’s video, and now this follow-up, I feel I could…

Josh Griffiths
2 Min Read

After publishing that massive list detailing every suspended Kickstarter campaign, I noticed a few patterns. The first was between 2012 and about mid-2014, most of the bad campaigns were just that, bad campaigns. Developers not giving enough information about their game, terrible reward tiers, stuff…

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Marcus Estrada
3 Min Read

[dropcap size=big]T[/dropcap]he perception of crowdfunding is changing. For years, despite successes, it seemed like something that was still a bit of a mystery to many. Folks regularly claimed how “no games” had actually come out of Kickstarter yet, despite that being false. There’s no doubt…