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0 8
Marcus Estrada
3 Min Read

IndieGogo’s Best Released Games… So Far by Marcus Estrada [dropcap]E[/dropcap]veryone knows about crowdfunding these days. However, most people know of it purely thanks to Kickstarter. Kickstarter is great and all but it’s not the only player in the marketplace! IndieGogo also exists and has seen…

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Julie Morley
4 Min Read

Welcome to Mistland – The Children Another View of Knite and The Ghost Lights by Julie Morley [divider] Today marked the changing of the seasons. The leaves were changing their colors and tones, painting the trees in a vibrant palette of rich, fiery reds, oranges, and…

1 9
Julie Morley
2 Min Read

Hoarding the Comic Enthusiasts By Julie Morley [divider] Suit up, friends. We’re going to a convention. Let me tell you something, dreams do come true. No, really, give me a chance. I’m not just here for entertainment purposes. I mean it, they really do. And…

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Greg Micek
6 Min Read

Pakka Pets and Tamogotchi, yes yes, the comparisons have been made.  You have the life of an adorable creature in your hands, take care and love your Pakka Pet and they’ll thrive; don’t and you’ll have their digital blood on your hands. Last time we talked…