
Kickstarter is a website that is grown into something truly amazing over the past few years. When the site launched in 2009, though, it wasn’t exactly greeted with copious attention. This is before the likes of Double Fine and other loved developers ever graced the platform. In this early era, Steve Jenkins Kickstarted the first video game High Strangeness to the tune of $1,559. It sounds like a pittance now but remember that the funding audience was very low back then. With little description and no gameplay or screenshots to speak of, they set a tentative release of 2010.

Well, it’s 2014 now and High Strangeness is finally complete! Those who visit a few specific conventions (Magfest) might have already played a build of it. Players begin in an 8-bit world that plays like The Legend of Zelda on NES. However, things change and then they’re immersed in a 16-bit (think SNES and Genesis) visual landscape instead. Sure, some games have utilized changing visual aesthetics during this development period such as Evoland, but there’s still a degree of newness to such a concept.


The team’s current goal is getting various certifications and the like to prepare for a PC and console debut. Sometime in the past five years publisher Midnight City got in contact with them to actually bring High Strangeness to PC via Steam and onto Wii U’s eShop by the end of this year. That’s a bit humorous considering at the time of the title’s campaign nobody had even heard of a “Wii U” yet.


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About the Author

Marcus Estrada

Marcus is a fellow with a love for video games, horror, and Japanese food. When he’s not writing about games for a multitude of sites, he’s usually still playing one. Writing about video games is something he hopes to continue doing for many years to come.

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