The Apocalypse. Armageddon. The end of the world. Call it what you will, but braving extinction is a tale that has captured the minds of humanity since the dawn of time. Or at least since the Bible gave us Revelations. And there are plenty of post-apocalyptic games out there, but few tell the tale of doom in a way like Downward promises. Set during a period reminiscent of the Middle Ages, you’ll be playing as a survivor of a brutal cataclysm.
Our planet has such a delicate ecosystem and the smallest change to the environment can have devastating consequences. Enter three mysterious planets, harbingers of death and destruction. The push and pull of these three celestial bodies’ presence has all but wiped out the flora and fauna of our beloved home. Some areas are completely flooded thanks to their tidal pulls, others have the vegetation spontaneously combust into flames, while even other locations are home to weird gravitational shifts.
Downward‘s story has you playing as one of the few remaining survivors of this apocalypse. Your goal is to roam the barren wastelands and other unnatural changes to seek out strange and mysterious artifacts that can be used to help save the rest of humanity. And in doing so help reshape the land in the wake of the world ending catastrophe. Learn the ways these planets affect the Earth and use it to your advantage as you go on your journey.
The gameplay of Downward is one that features a “parkour system”. Yeah, I had to look this term up, too. Apparently it’s a military term used to describe getting from Point A to Point B as efficiently as possible. Such as running up a wall to get over an obstacle. Unlike some games that utilize this method, this will be all in first person.
Track the progress of the Downward Kickstarter in our Campaign Calendar.