Hey, so remember that creepy but friendly clown that we’ve been talking about? That’s right. Dropsy. Well, his adventures finally have a release date. Come September 10th you can play with him to your heart’s content. Make friends, scare people, and just be a clown in this adventure game where people like to talk in pictographs. According to the release trailer, which you can watch below, the game will release on Steam, GoG, Humble, Apple Store, and Google Play next month.In related news, the same update also mentions a new build for Beta testers. If you’re in on a tier that gets it expect the upload later this week. Possibly by the time you read this article. If you are a tester and haven’t gotten your key yet you should when the new build goes live. Also, “Dropsy will be playable at Gamescom. Go find the Devolver booth!” If you’re at the con consider checking it out.