While I generally shy away from racing games, I find something oddly intriguing about SmuggleCraft. Maybe it’s because it’s not your traditional racer. Maybe it’s because there’s a story here. Or maybe it’s because of the art style. I don’t know, but I actually kind of like where this one is going.
SmuggleCraft, in a nutshell, is a racing game at its core. But, as the name might suggest you’re doing much more than just trying to outpace your opponents. That you’re a smuggler, going up against other smugglers, and making a name for yourself adds a level to the genre so sorely needed. Basically, there’s an actual story here. And I love a game with at least some plot.
In SmuggleCraft, you’ll be taking on jobs for other denizens of the planet you’re working on. They’ll task you with taking something from one place to another. But, you’re not alone and sometimes you’re transporting less than legal goods. Your reputation is also on the line, but you can also choose to fulfill your contract or keep the gains for yourself.
All in all, while a game in a genre I normally don’t like SmuggleCraft has elements that I do. I won’t be backing this one for the gameplay, but I do hope they manage to make their goal by the time the clock runs out. For racing fans, this one should go far.