All you Kelvinites rejoice as Kelvin and the Infamous Machine has just hit the Beta milestone. Keys should be sent out to all backers that have put in for getting early builds. If you are one but haven’t gotten the e-mail from Humble yet make sure you do by having them resend it. After having it in the hands of players they’ll send out a survey asking for feedback. So be on the lookout for that as well.
Okay, so what’s next for the ongoing development for Kelvin and the Infamous Machine? Well, according to the update, while backers are busy playing away at the Beethoven and Newton chapters they’re getting to work on putting together Leonardo DaVinci’s story. And then they’ll polish the first two chapters based on feedback.
For those of us who aren’t lucky enough to get our hands on an early build Blyts also has released an updated trailer for you to watch. You can see it above. If you’d like to learn more about Kelvin and the Infamous Machine, formerly known as “Inspire Me” be sure to check out our previous coverage.