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0 36
Marcus Estrada
1 Min Read

Back in Kickstarter’s “gold rush” period, veteran developer Obsidian Entertainment took to the crowdfunding site with something called Project Eternity. Fans turned out in droves, eventually pushing funding to nearly $4 million dollars. This was a tremendous success for everyone involved and allowed the developers…

0 14
Ahmad Khan
3 Min Read

2015 Kickstarter Video Game Predictions by Ahmad Khan [dropcap]T[/dropcap]here are have a number of articles circulating in the indie game-O-sphere regarding the near-future trends of Kickstarter and IndieGogo, including a piece done by our editor-in-chief with a crowdfunding expert. Personally I would neither pretend, nor claim,…

1 54
Brad Jones
7 Min Read

  Campaign Postmortem: Wasteland 2 By Brad Jones (Click here for our Early Access review of Wasteland 2 the game.) [divider] [dropcap]W[/dropcap]hen the Kickstarter for Wasteland 2 began, it seemed to many that the lofty funding goal of $900,000 to make a sequel to a…

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Greg Micek
1 Min Read

Evan Narcisse over at Kotaku wants to let everyone know that 2014 might be the year to have renewed faith in Kickstarter, or crowdfunding as a whole, again.  Big relief! With a number of major Kickstarted projects being released in recent weeks, including Broken Age,…

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Greg Micek
1 Min Read

Everyone seems to be comparing Proto Games’ upcoming life/babysitting simulator Pakka Pets to the classic Tamogotchi.  On the surface it seems like an obvious comparison to make.  Both games feature small creatures that rely on you in order to survive and thrive.  Both games have…