Stephen Chow Discusses Warrior Battleground
By Greg Micek
[divider]We recently had an opportunity to speak with Sephen Chow of RES Creative studio about his teams upcoming online fighting game, Warrior Battleground. With only a week left in the Warrior Battleground Kickstarter campaign we asked Stephen about his teams’ experience with Kickstarter, plans for the future, and of course, some poetry.
Cliqist : Your warriors seem both fierce and adorable. What do I need to do to take one home and raise it as a pet?
Stephen Chow : All players can customize their character from the beginning of the game, and we will add in more faces, hair styles, and equipment when the game is launch and continue to update it after that. All you need to do is a few clicks and become our backers!
Cliqist : How long did it take you to get your team together for Warrior Battleground?
Stephen Chow : We worked together in an app company for a year and decided to work on our own as a team and we spent about a year working on this project.
Cliqist : You have a wide range of targets (from $25,000-$400,00). I mean, I had to change the comma placement! Would you be disappointed if the game reached the minimum funding goal but none of the stretch goals?
Stephen Chow : We will still be happy reaching the minimum fund, it means we don’t need to sink back to working on app projects, I mean, making games is fun!
Cliqist : Was your career path always in gaming?
Stephen Chow : Apart from me, our programmer and our designer have always worked in gaming related fields. I drifted along different jobs, but never stopped playing games and drafting game ideas.
Cliqist : Has the Kickstarter experience what you expected it to be?
Stephen Chow : It is so far so good, people are quite friendly … just not enough backers and attention I guess.
Cliqist : What element of Warrior Battleground has you most excited?
Stephen Chow : The arena co-op fight part I think. You can probably find pvp and customize characters in most games, but fighting as a team 2 vs 2 or more in a 3D environment, is not that common.
Cliqist : Not to be pessimistic, but what happens if you don’t reach your Kickstarter goal?
Stephen Chow : It is ok, nine days left and goal very far, we are not very close indeed! We will still work on releasing the basic version, as we have spent a year’s worth of time already, and we do want to complete the game. The big question is, when. We are almost running out of money and will need to take jobs and work half-time on this project. Hopefully in another year or two we can release the basic version.
Cliqist : Any final words for someone that might be on the fence about backing Warrior Battleground?
Stephen Chow : We might not be your usual choice, we might not be famous or experienced; we are just three ordinary dudes who have ideas like most of you do. We took that extra step and try to make it come true, and we desperately need your support! Forget those famous projects! They already have enough support! Turn your hands to those who really in need!
Cliqist : Can you close us out with a Warrior Battleground inspired haiku?
Stephen Chow : Erh, that is a very poetic request….for three non-poetic nerds…..let’s see….
I swear on my sword
until death do us apart
I will have your back
(and please become a backer!)
You can learn more about Warrior Battleground by heading over to the Warrior Battleground Kickstarter page. The campaign has a funding goal of $25,000 and it runs until April 30th.
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