revueThis is primarily a gaming site, and you know who needs a good computer education? The people who make the games we love so much (and even some of the ones we hate). Myself and a few other video game journalists, developers, and computer tech executives are teaming up with Revue Labs for a truly noble goal. What is that goal, you ask? To build computer labs that are, for once, actually worth a damn.

You see, the computer education given to children in public schools is garbage. We learn to use Excel and we… Wait, come to think of it, that’s all I actually learned all the way up to High School. Wouldn’t it be great if the next generation of America’s youth were more literate with the programs almost everyone in America uses on a daily basis? Well, ladies and gentlemen, we hope to not only facilitate exactly that kind of education, but build on it, both figuratively and literally. Part of our plan is to build more advanced computer labs, starting in Southern California and hopefully branching out all over the place. However, what would those labs be if they weren’t run by knowledgeable, passionate people, truly invested in the technological betterment of our nation’s youth? We also plan on staffing these labs with some of the brightest minds in tech, and all we need is a little help.

Our initial goal is $3000, and all of that will go towards the man power and physical resources needed to make these deluxe labs in the sky a reality (although we’ll probably build them on the ground). With that money, we’ll be able to establish ourselves as an official non-profit in the state of California, and once we have that, we can fully utilize our vast pool of industry contacts to make this initiative a huge success.

If you’d like to learn a little more about #ProjectLabs, you can learn more about it once the project launches in the next couple week.


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About the Author

Nathaniel Liles

Nathaniel Liles is a freelance writer, writing major, and indie musician based in Southern Indiana. While procrastinating or avoiding real-world responsibility, Nathaniel enjoys playing rhythm games, action RPGs, and very colorful games with many bright, flashing lights. You can listen to Nathaniel sing songs or download his music for free at

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