
Creepily Cute Horror In Bulb Boy

By Suzanne Verras


BulbBoy_Image04Bulb Boy is a point-and-click adventure horror game by the Polish Bulb Boy Team. It’s a 2D adventure into the strange, scary, but also cute world of Bulb Boy, who has to save his friends from horrible monsters. We recently did a brief news article on it, but now I’m here with some more info on this little bad boy.

Bulb Boy lives in a big old house with his GRANDPAraffin and Mothdog. Everything’s cool until one gloomy night Bulb Boy finds himself all alone in his normally so lovely home. GRANDPAraffin and Mothdog have disappeared and it’s your task to rescue them from the horrors that await them. Machinarium and Gobliiins are inspirations for the game, which is definitely noticeable in the use of images as dialogue and the style.

BulbBoy_Image03The rescue is a 2D journey of solving puzzles and defeating monsters. Bulb Boy Team promises “fluid gameplay on puzzle-solving mechanics without the addition of senseless riddles”. The short demo that is available shows all that together with a creepily cute style. You wake up as Bulb Boy at the start of the story, wondering where GRANDPAraffin and Mothdog are and your first goal is to get out of your room. A giant spider is guarding the door, but using your wits, and bugs, you will find a way to get rid of it. What happens next, is an unpleasant surprise.

BulbBoy_Image02Bulb Boy may be little but he is a true badass. Playing as him, you don’t need a flashlight, because your head glows! It’s a light bulb, so yeah… He can unscrew his head to look in dark places and is shock resistant. This can come in handy when defeating monsters as well as puzzles. He can also unscrew his head and attach it to different bodies. Now that’s a thing I’m excited to see for myself.

BulbBoy_Image01Bulb Boy will be split up into 4 chapters, 5 if the second stretch goal is reached. Each chapter will contain 5 areas and 15 mini locations and each will take about an hour to complete. There will also be playable flashbacks and games on cartridges, so enough for you to toy around with. There will be a monster to defeat in each chapter, one of them is already seen in the demo. His name is Snotbunny and he looks horrible. There will of course be a lot more monsters like a Headless Chicken and Flesh-eating Moths. Luckily you will have your friends, such as Mothdog, to help you. If all else fails Bulb Boy can unscrew his head and hide it.

Different Kickstarter stretch goals promise more chapters, collectible video game cartridges of old-school games and an iOS and Android versions and more. From what I’ve played in the demo, the mobile versions are definitely a good fit. If all goes well, Bulb Boy will be released in 2015 on PC, Mac and Linux and later on, on the mobile platforms.

If you want to know more about Bulb Boy head over to the Kickstarter page for more info.



[Google][pinterest][follow id=”Cliqist” size=”large” count=”true” ] [author image=”http://cliqist.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/suzanne.jpg” ]Suzanne Verras is a freelance writer and a university student from Leiden, The Netherlands. She is a video game enthusiast, but also loves movies and art. She has her own video game, film and art blog called Miss Lily Blogs where she posts all kinds of articles as well as her Let’s Plays. Her favorite games include Bioshock, Myst, Ratchet and Clank and Amnesia: The Dark Descent. In the future she hopes to be writing full-time and one of her dreams is to sell her artwork one day. You can follow her on Twitter: MissLilyTweets. [/author]

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About the Author

Suzanne Verras

Suzanne Verras is a freelance writer and a university student from Leiden, The Netherlands. She is a video game enthusiast, but also loves movies and art. She has her own Youtube channel where she plays, horror and story driven games! Her favorite games include Bioshock, Myst, Ratchet and Clank and Amnesia: The Dark Descent. In the future she hopes to be writing full-time and one of her dreams is to sell her artwork one day. You can follow her on Twitter: MissLilyTweets.

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