LearnDistrict Inc. has had a lot on their plate for the last year with PENGUEMIC – World Domination, an educational game in which penguins dominate the world, and their latest project designed to inspire more girls to get involved with playing games and developing them, Girls Make Games. According to their most recent update, their first update in four months, the Girls Make Games project has intervened in PENGUEMIC’s development and because they misgauged the window needed to create it, they’re falling a bit behind right now.
But now that Girls Make Games has launched and is doing well, the team is returning back to PENGUEMIC and things are going smoothly. In April, PENGUEMIC was shown off in the Indie Megabooth and the reception was quite positive.
Since the last update, PENGUEMIC has been greenlit on Steam as well. The Girls Make Games project has been nothing less than successful and innovative. LearnDistrict Inc. has launched a secondary campaign for the Girls Make Games project, known as The Hole Story, which still has twenty days remaining in the campaign. The Hole Story is the Grand Prize from the Girls Make Games Demo Day and with the funds gained through Kickstarter (which it’s just $500 away from getting funded, by the way!) will be put towards the development.
At the moment, the LearnDistrict Inc. team is polishing up the beta build and getting PENGUEMIC prepped for Pax Prime.
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