Panchito Chepas. A Crazy & Unexpected Adventure
By Julie Morley
[divider]Panchito Chepas resembles nothing I have seen before and it’s made its way to IndieGogo. Panchito is a bit of a weird character, seemingly innocent, and winds up in an old town drained of its riches. Once Panchito catches wind of gold existing in the town, his scheme and begins to unfold. There’s no low he won’t stoop to for wealth or sex.
Panchito Chepas is a point and click adventure game developed by Pinodrom Studios from Spain. Pinodrom Studios may be small but they have big dreams – dreams that will come true with the help of crowdfunding to financially support full-time dedication to Panchito Chepas. This three-man studio is asking for €6,000 by August 29th.
Pinodrom Studios plans to only release one chapter of Panchito Chepas but if certain stretch goals are released, we can expect more content to be released. Currently, there is a demo (for PC and Mac) available via link on the IndieGogo page for potential backers and I decided to give it a try.
The demo is just a small introduction to Panchito’s story. We’re merely enjoying the very beginning of Panchito Chepas. Panchito begins his journey from the confines of a jail cell with a partner reeking of gin and lemons. Panchito’s previous night in the saloon was quite eventful to say the least and he’s desperate to escape. He feeds his jail mate a rat, poisoning him to death, and then taking his identity as the bridge maker specifically hired on by the Mayor himself. The Mayor releases Panchito, now parading around under a false identity, and informs him of the daunting task that awaits him: bridge building.
From that point out, Panchito explores the barren town, seeking a place to stay, and locate the blueprints he desperately needs to build the bridge. Now, we’ve learned Panchito will lose himself in a giant web of lies to get what he wants. With every conversation Panchito has with various people in the town, more of his crude and disrespectful nature shines through. Panchito is downright disgusting in some of the things he says and will step on anyone in the way to get what he wants, even a ladder.
Panchito is a sickly character to play but that’s the entire point: he is a raunchy, greedy fellow. For once, we’re not playing the good guy, hell bent on ending any peril in our story. Oh no, we’re flat out the problem and it’s staying that way. But hey, at least he loves animals. Panchito is a full blown animal lover.
But Panchito’s sick nature works to his advantage it this town, full of quirky and interesting people. This town, once thriving with gold minds and wealth, has been ruined by criminals like Panchito. With a greedy and snidely mayor controlling every nook and cranny, the people have to close guard their hidden gold.
Everything is simply falling apart in Panchito Chepas and it is up to us to worsen it.
[divider][Google][pinterest][follow id=”Cliqist” size=”large” count=”true” ] [author image=”” ]Julie Morley is a freelance writer and comic artist from Spring, Texas. She attended the Academy of Art University for two years, studying Animation and Illustration. Whilst here, she learned about writing comic scripts, storyboards, and general storytelling. Since leaving college, she has been working on personal comic projects, stories, and illustrations. She aspires to release a self published comic within two years. For the majority of her life, she has been playing console games, typically being third-person shooters and sandboxes. Her favorite game of existence is Dark Cloud II (Dark Chronicle) and her favorite Indie game is Gone Home.[/author]