
If you love video games, then by effect you probably also have an affinity for video game music. Over the years there have been so many memorable songs that even non-gaming fans have etched into their minds. The Players’ Score is a documentary that looks to encapsulate a slice of modern game music culture and share it with others. It hopes to showcase some of the best known gaming cover bands out there, as well as the ever-growing community of chiptune artists. Of course, they also hope to interview a few musicians from “within” the industry.

theplayersscorepic2Chances are, you’ve heard of at least some of the following cover bands: The Minibosses, The Oneups, Random Encounter. These, as well as a ton of others will be featured with their awesome renditions of classic and modern video game songs. Chiptune artists, those who create new music with old hardware, will also be represtented by the likes of A_Rival, Slime Girls, Inverse Phase, and others. This side of gaming music culture is one that many people adore – but there are still many gamers out there who don’t even know it exists! The Players’ Score will certainly expose a large audience to this wonderfully creative landscape.

[box type=”shadow” align=”alignright” width=”0″ ][iframe frameborder=”0″ height=”280″ scrolling=”no” src=”″ width=”220″][/iframe][/box]With all that said, one can’t make a documentary about video game music without honoring its roots and some of the most influential names within it. Grant Kirkhope (Banjo Kazooie), Manami Matsumae (Mega Man), Norihiko Hibino (Metal Gear Solid series), Austin Wintory (Journey), and others will be on board. The Players’ Score seems set to reach its goal of $24,000 and even sail into stretch goal territory. If you’re looking for a more historical take on game music then you’ll love another currently funding project – Beep: A Documentary History of Video Game Music & Sound.


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About the Author

Marcus Estrada

Marcus is a fellow with a love for video games, horror, and Japanese food. When he’s not writing about games for a multitude of sites, he’s usually still playing one. Writing about video games is something he hopes to continue doing for many years to come.

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