Every week we take a brief look at all of the Kickstarter video game campaigns that launched in the previous week. This isn’t to say that all of these projects are worth your hard earned cash, but with any luck having all of them in one place will make it easier to educate yourself on the projects you’d like to back, and which ones to run from. You’ll find two types of campaigns listed, “featured” and “the rest“. Featured campaigns are those that contain a significant amount of game information, are from known developers, or are significant in some other way. The rest of the games are usually smaller campaigns that are lacking in information, are from unknowns, have unanswered questions, or have not yet stood out for one reason or another.
[divider]Featured Campaigns :
Game : Yes, Your Grace
What it is : Marcus wrote: “Being a king (or queen) is not all it’s cracked up to be. In Yes, Your Grace you take the role of Grey King Eryk. As a king, you aren’t going to see action on the battlefield or even really ever leave your castle. Instead, you sit on your throne each day listening to the procession of visitors who wish to have a word. This is a strange, but compelling take on the strategy genre.”
Keep an eye on it in our calendar
[divider]The Rest of the Campaigns :
Rope Z : A pretty nice looking platformer with a very low $100 funding goal.
Affected – The Cabin : Another in a long line of Oculus Rift horror games.
Zombies Don’t Pay Taxes : A top-down zombie shooter with live action cutscenes.
Conflict Genesis : Lots of PVP mentioned in the extensive description, but no actual game is shown.
Waking the Glares : A first person adventure game with a lot of potential.
Wicked Witches : A cute action game that would have been better off launching in October.
Unsettled : A top down open world survival sim.
Palm Tree Simulator : This weeks winner for the least amount of effort put into a Kickstarter campaign.
Minecraft MMO – Lost Kingdoms : The title pretty much says it all.
TvsK The Love War : Although there’s a decent amount of gameplay shown, there’s still not enough here to ask for $40k.
SpaceRoads : An homage to the classic Skyroads game with a pretty reasonable funding goal.
Cartoonist : A cute educational kids game.
Unknown : Lots of gameplay shown, but almost no game info provided; especially when you consider the $60,000 funding goal.
Lord of the Dark Castle : An old-school top down RPG that isn’t the usual RPG maker stuff we see.
Good Grief, Zombies : A zombie game with no video, screenshots, or concept art.
Descendants : An intriguing sci-fi MMORPG with an out of this world $900,000 funding goal.
Shooter’s Den : Reminds me of those shooting gallery arcade games from the 90’s, but with a rhythm game twist.
Shell-Shock : No gameplay footage, a few microscopic screenshots, and almost no game info.
Triangulum : Runner up for this weeks “least amount of effort put into a Kickstarter” award.
Rocky the Studious Reindeer Game for Learning : A Christmas themed learning game.
godmode : A side scrolling action adventure that reminds me of N+, could be a lot of fun.
Blood Star : A slick looking RPG shooter that’s worth a look.
Remnants of Twilight: Age Of Arius : A lovely looking JRPG with plenty of info, gifs, and music on the funding page, but no funding video.
Bomber Cat : First person Bomberman, with a cat.
Among The Universe : So very confusing.
[divider]That’s it for last weeks Kickstarter campaigns. Watch your wallets!
What a bummer no major hitters this week. Oh well at least the Clannad kickstarter is still going strong
It’s definitely not going to improve for the next few weeks, that’s for sure, hehe. The Holiday dry period is in full effect.
Thats true, however considering it is the holiday period, It would be pretty stupid for anyone to risk their Kickstarter during this period. Unless people are quite charitable, though I suspect that type of money would be going to charity.
Agreed! I think anyone starting a campaign in the next few weeks needs to already have a huge fan base, have an extremely low target, and be famous in some way. Maybe not all three, but it couldn’t hurt. Wish Kickstarter made it easier, because I’d be curious to see what the most successful December projects of all time have been.