For those who don’t know what Echo Tokyo is, it’s a Cyberpunk theme visual novel where you play as two protagonists. Shizume Misaki is a detective in the city known as “Echo Tokyo” and her story revolves around…you guessed it. Detective work. The other character that you’ll play as is Keiji. Little is known about this guy. Even the pitch says he has a “mysterious past”, which can unravel as the game goes on.
The city in Echo Tokyo is basically an irradiated wasteland at ground level. Everyone that can lives in the skyscrapers dotting the landscape. And each of these are connected via sky bridges. No need to set foot on the ground, right? They plan on making the city pretty much open, which is a strange thing when you think about what a visual novel is. While I don’t doubt this could be an interesting and unique take on the genre, perhaps this is one reason why these extra funds are being sought.
Okay, stop me if you heard this before. Because chances are if you’re a fan of visual novels and were around in the tail end of last year you already know all of this. There’s nothing new here. So, why when they exceeded their initial funding goal in January are they still seeking additional funding? The answer is a simple “I don’t know.” Not without asking the person behind Echo Tokyo myself. The second attempt flew completely under my radar.
Here’s the thing. Not a single update announced the need for another campaign. I’ve been following the development since I backed it during the initial funding phase, and nothing that I read indicated the need to go back to Kickstarter. Echo Tokyo was doing fine by my recollection. The only setback that I heard about was having to switch out artists. Even so, it was never mentioned that it cost enough to warrant double dipping. As I said, this was all out the blue. I had to hear about it from a third person. Which is some cause for concern.
That said, it’s not the first time I’ve seen a project creator have to go back to the well but pretty much every time there’s a reason stated. Here it’s barely even discussed in the pitch of the new Echo Tokyo campaign beyond wanting to “create an even better experience for our players be they original backers or new ones”. I don’t consider this a shady excuse or a scam to get more money, but it does raise some concerns from someone who’s been around the block a few times. Still, if you missed out the first time, you’ll get a second chance now.
Update: Roughly half a day after writing this article I finally got an update from the original Echo Tokyo campaign mentioning the new campaign for Echo Tokyo. Apparently, it’s to let those who didn’t have the chance to back the first time around a second chance (which is what I figured) as well as letting more stretch goals be hit. The game is still on track an there’s nothing to be concerned about. Still, it would have been nice to get the update before going live first.
Oh my god you’ve got to be kidding me… he’s had 4 Kickstarters for the edo game alone, not to mention his other KS for games like divine slice of life and beach bounce.
I agree, especially when the only game that he did that has seen the light of day so far is Sword of Asumi. And I’ll admit to backing most of his other games (minus Sword). I’m passing on this second attempt only because I have no reason to back it.
“RED FLAGS”…All seriousness aside, there really isn’t a reason to back this, at least not for me.
Same here. I already backed the first time and there’s nothing I want to add on to my original pledge.
If this was a stretch campaign of a mostly completed game I’d probably find it acceptable to ask for remaining polish. But isn’t this beyond suspicious he has three KS accounts and did this current one on a different one from the first?
Yeah the average KS backer wont realise he has three accounts; AJtilley, Face2Palm and Kirito-kun for managing projects.
Funny thing i said the same thing to AJ (on sword of Asumi) I told him that i’d rather see him focused on one game rather than launch multiples campaigns on multiples account otherwise i’d be suspicious of him and if he’s not scamming the system. We had words and he refunded me..because he didn’t want my dirty money. I could give you the PM Serena it is quite an interesting read
I’ve never backed him again and don’t intend to.
Yeah. Echo Tokyo was the first one of his that I backed and I did back Beach Bounce and Second Sword of Asumi (which we know got cancelled). I also backed Divine Slice of Life for a buck only to get the updates since I’m getting a free copy from…I forget which one. That said, I found it fishy that he’s working on so many games at the same time without any of them being released yet. If that didn’t sent up red flags, this one sure did. I’m with you on not backing any more, Dawn. At least until we see the others get released.
And I’d love to see this PM.
Well, it is a serie on multiples PM lol.
I am gonna copy paste 2 here so you guys can see what we were talking about and his answers..then i am gonna send them to cliqist or would you rather having me sending them elsewhere Serena?
“You clearly have misunderstood what i meant at first. As i’ve said, i
wasn’t accusing you of scam at the ‘moment’. But, i feel concerned by
the numbers of campaigns you’re launching i’d feel safer if you where
focusing on the one you launched.
So, on my end as backer my thinking is “with all those campaigns
he/she launchs, does he really works on the others? Isn’t he/she just
generate money.”
My way to express myself wasn’t clear, since i am not english. But,
it doesn’t change my meaning. At some point of campaign launch, i just
get naturally suspicious and i think, it is normal and i begun to wonder
if it’s a scam.
You may not know but over 200 project i’ve backed..i’ve been on some
awful scam. There is one game where i lost 1000$..ans since it’s my
money i pledge. I think, i have the right to be worried, suspicious and
Take Care and may your project be successful.”
His answer to me was “Hi, I have now already actioned the refunds, I felt after your last
comment that was the best thing to do, as whether you were trying to
insult me or not, you were, your second comment was also very snide and
sniping at my record, even though i persnally believe my track record so
far is very good, of the 8 campaigns i have done 5 have been completed
with all rewards sent out.
Also your concerns you mentioned have all been explained at various
times int he updates and each campaign, although I oversea all the
projects I am like a publisher, each one has its own team and I act as
the driver as it were ensuring each one stays on track. Swords of edo
the game has had some issues sadly, but is on track now and I have done
my best to ensure everyone remains up to date on the issues and the
As mentioned in my response I wish rather than posting what read as
an insult (not just by me, I was sent several messages by concerned
backers who thought your comment should be deleted as an unfounded and
ignorant accusation. Several of which have pledged 1000’s to my
campaigns so far) you had contacted me and asked your queries I could
have explained easily how there are several different teams working on
these campaigns.
At any rate the damage is done now, you did not like my response and
I did not like your comment, I have actioned a full refund on all
campaigns you pledged to as I dont want you to feel scammed. As I said
thank you for your support but I agree it is better if we part ways at
this stage,
Best wishes to you.”
Wow. That was…immature. I’d love to see the entire conversation.
5 sept. 2014
Signaler comme spam
Hi, I want to wish you the best, I understand what you are
saying, maybe you didn’t intend to insult me, but you did insult me
throwing words about like money drain and scam in insulting to someone
who has created 8 campaigns and delivered on all of them so far with no
hint that any are being ignored or the funds were being pocketed.
Also I feel you went about it the wrong way, if you were concerned,
rather than posting that message which appears to be an insult, why
didn’t you just private message me as you have done now.
At any rate it is best if we both drop it, you say you didn’t mean
to insult me or my work and that is fair enough I felt insulted and so I
responded to the accusation. I should probably have followed my normal
procedure of ignoring what appear to be publicly posted insults but I
didn’t. And yes this may have been a big misunderstanding on both our
parts. So anyway I too wish you well.
My answer :
5 sept. 2014
I didn’t went by private message, because i wanted to make an impression on you and even if things went sour. If by my comment you can understand that having a lot of campaigns even if you are handling it well, isn’t a sign of good health.
It naturally, worries backers. Not, just me. We are all the same, we just think “is this thing gonna be released one day?”. There is some sort of opacity when creators begun to launch several project or work on several things.
Don’t worry, i went harsh on another creator (Dizzy Hearts) the same way because he was working on another project rather than the one i pledge (he also launch his shop, etc..) and you begun to wonder if the guy is actually thinking about you anymore.
I probably didn’t went by the right way and my words were probably rude, that i admit (not insulting because it wasn’t meant to be insulting but it was meant to be rude).
Why, i said that? Money drain and such, because like i said, i am losing tracks of what you do, what are we at, having so much campaigns make lose transparency and which isn’t transparent is source of suspicion. Plus, i think you’ve got 2 accounts on KS, somehow seeing that i had one with your name with 2 projects created and one with 8 i became extra-worried..(i am not wrong in that..or is that a KS issue on my end?) I don’t think, it’s that hard to be understood.
Then, you can see i AM not at all a bad person. I wouldn’t try so much to be end on good terms otherwise..i feel bad because my intention was never for you to feel insulted.
If your games end up being on steam, i’ll buy them (you probably don’t care though :p). Anyway, take care. I don’t know what you can do for that matter of lack of opacity, but i don’t think i am the only one having problem following you.
You may do updates a lot and try to answer to people, it’s just a feeling that is bound to come.
that’s about the end of our convo ;). Yes i am a good person
This article though..kind of make me regret trying so much to be nice lol.
Crazy… This EVN creator can only come off as a sleazebag. Thanks for sharing!
5 sept. 2014
I didn’t went by private message, because i wanted to make an
impression on you and even if things went sour. If by my comment you can
understand that having a lot of campaigns even if you are handling it
well, isn’t a sign of good health.
It naturally, worries backers. Not, just me. We are all the same, we
just think “is this thing gonna be released one day?”. There is some
sort of opacity when creators begun to launch several project or work on
several things.
Don’t worry, i went harsh on another creator the same way because he
was working on another project rather than the one i pledge (he also
launch his shop, etc..) and you begun to wonder if the guy is actually
thinking about you anymore.
I probably didn’t went by the write way and m words were rude, that i
admit (not insulting because it wasn’t meant to be insulting but it was
meant to be rude).
Why, i said that? Money drain and such, because like i said, i am
losing tracks of what you do, what are we at, having so much campaigns
make lose transparency and which isn’t transparent is source of
suspicion. Plus, i think you’ve got 2 accounts on KS, somehow seeing
that i had one with your name with 2 projects created and one with 8 i
became extra-worried..(i am not wrong in that..or is that a KS issue on
my end?) I don’t think, it’s that hard to be understood.
Then, you can see i AM not at all a bad person. I wouldn’t try so
much to be end on good terms otherwise..i feel bad because my intention
was never for you to feel insulted.
If your games end up being on steam, i’ll buy them (you probably
don’t care though :p). Anyway, take care. I don’t know what you can do
for that matter of lack of opacity, but i don’t think i am the only one
having problem following you.
You may do updates a lot and try to answer to people, it’s just a feeling that is bound to come.
“8 campaigns i have done 5 have been completed with all rewards sent out.”
It says 12 created on the Face2Palm account alone, he’s gone way beyond that now… for the delivered stuff four of those campaigns was for the exact same game… which got blasted for not delivering on what had been promised. Yhe other one got blasted for being bad.
Not related to you but checking out his page he hasnt even waited 4 (!) months before launching echo tokyo again and that project got £15,000. While maybe not a scam definitely sleazy and not a great image for crowdfunded VN.
More like he didn’t want you being able to comment on his KS page in case anyone else caught wind.
Maybe you could send the PM to vnsnow.
I think you’re right..the guy from Armello treated me the same way..kind of an habit now :p