Since I started writing for Cliqist, I have to say that my favourite demos to play have been platformers. They don’t take much time or effort to learn but mastering them is a whole other can of worms. The best platformer demos I’ve had the pleasure of trying out had fluid movement and combat; whether it be webslinging in Mable and the Wood or a more recent Kickstarter project—shooting asteroids in Andromeda.

andromeda2This open-world Metroidvania in a retro pixel-art style is currently being developed by a team of four from Spain. In Andromeda, not only do you shoot rocks and bad guys, but there’s an emphasis on “planetary exploration” as well. As you can tell from the picture below, there are a number of diverse settings that you’ll be able to explore as a Max Weaver, a man wearing a green suit equipped with a jetpack and a “DNA-gun.” In the demo, I was also able to fly around in a spaceship blasting asteroids out of the way, and collect coins Mario-style in my green suit.


I had my doubts when I read on the Kickstarter page that the soundtrack in the demo was J.S. Bach’s music converted to 8-bit, but after trying out the demo I’d have to say that it does fit, as strange (and slightly creepy) as it sounds. If the game is fully funded (€40,000) the team is promising at least 30 hours of gameplay, which will definitely be a worthy bang for your gamer buck.

Track the progress of the Andromeda: There Is No God Up Here Kickstarter in our Campaign Calendar.


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About the Author

Felix Wong

Felix spent a large chunk of his youth behind a 24 inch monitor and intends to do the same with the rest of his adult life. For reasons still unbeknownst to friends and family, he decided to eschew a more conventional career path to instead become a guy who writes about video games for cash and coin.

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