In Anime Studio Simulator by Visualnoveler, you have to help realize Yukari’s dream of making her own anime with a team of four of her friends. With a deadline looming and many options available, you have to chose how best to expend the team’s energy, talents and money before time runs out.

In the three weeks playable in the demo, you see just how chaotic making an anime can be. Even the smallest decisions can make a huge impact on group morale and their progress. For example, choosing an air freshener scent can help make or break them – who wants to work in an office that smells horrible? Slightly more serious might be noticing one member looking sick and choosing to either ignore the signs or making sure they take a break to heal up.


A typical week’s tasks for the studio members

At the end of the three weeks, you’re provided a good idea of how well you’re doing and what challenges lie ahead for Yukari’s group. The demo is very enjoyable and introduces you to interesting characters and the feeling that every choice you make counts giving weight to everything you do. We’ll have to see how the journey ends for the team in the full game.