Before I get started on talking about Feminazi: The Triggering, I want to make sure I point out something important. I have absolutely no problem with satire or parody. However, said satire need to be at least tasteful if it’s going to be taken seriously. In the case of Feminazi: The Triggering, the game lives up to its title. It’s nothing but a game intended to trigger its audience.
Despite what the developers say in the pitch, I see nothing of value in Feminazi: The Triggering. There’s really nothing nice to say about this “game”. It comes across like an obvious attempt on the part of the developers to piss people off. I honestly felt incensed by the audacity of making fun of a movement they probably know nothing about.
I consider myself a feminist, but I certainly don’t ram my ideology down others’ throats. Even if they’re the “straight cis scum” as portrayed in Feminazi: The Triggering, I’d rather educate than attack. At best, this game is a person’s misunderstanding of a movement. On top of that, it doesn’t even look like that great of a game.
Adding insult to an already deep injury, Hyperborean Games is treating the Feminazi: The Triggering Kickstarter as nothing more than a marketing tool, rather than what the site is intended to be. According to the developers the game is essentially finished, with the $88* being asked for just a “symbolic number“. All they want is to get Feminazi: The Triggering noticed, but honestly it doesn’t deserve to be crowdfunded for any of the above reasons.
If I sound like a “feminazi” myself, it’s because this game looks to dehumanize women more than “lift them up”. Satire or not, I’m not happy that this even passed the screening process.
* Note that the actual funding goal for Feminazi: The Triggering is $78 USD (converted) and not $88 as stated in the campaign description. No explanation is given for the difference.
And now you’re censoring comments?
Of course you are, hilarious and typical.
I member that faschists tended to censor stuff. ?
hey member stormtroopers?
I member, I member the real Stormtroopers
(I am german btw)
‘Ello sailor
Yup, those from idiots that are posted merely for the purpose of trolling.
Greg, I posted to say cheers for covering the game. Even if the writer didn’t see where the developers are coming from, or the point they are trying to make. I was being polite, my comment vanished….
Not showing a comment was deleted from you actually, just from Jens.
So you assume my comment was for trolling?
I meant what i wrote.
Also you resort to namecalling, thats rich.
“It’s nothing but a game intended to trigger its audience” uh no, that would assume the intended audience were Feminists/Feminazis/SJWS/ It does mock them of course. The intended audience therefore is not the subject of the mocking. This year has been heated, we’ve had assassinate trump games and all kinds of ‘jokes’. “I honestly felt incensed by the audacity of making fun of a movement they probably know nothing about” Serena, I know you and you know me. We’ve worked together and even though we feel strongly about vastly different things i think we got along. This game targets ‘Feminazis’ by defending ‘feminazism’/radical feminism you make it a lot harder to draw a distinction between it and real feminism. You are knee capping your own movement.
“it’s because this game looks to dehumanize women more than “lift them up”” no. Just no. This game is attacking an ideology not gender. This clearly isn’t about hating women (Also can’t men also be feminists?). All in all there is no reason to be offended on behalf of radicals. Radicals in any movement be it the right, left, up, down, gamergate, feminism, the union of intelligent fish people etc are always bad and deserved to be shunned.
Oh and happy chinese new year.
You make some good points, and I accept your critique, but I still stand by what I said in the article. You’d be surprised by how my political leanings have changed over the past few months.
I also showed the campaign to a number of people without saying anything about it and they weren’t happy either. It’s a horrible game and I actually was being nice and held back what I was really thinking. Others weren’t as kind with their comments.
For the record, I didn’t like the Trump parodies either and I’m far from a fan of his.
Triggered by a game about getting triggered.
It’s way too easy with you mentally challenged people aka SJW.
hey here is a joke
“feminism is about equality”
Actually, Serena, the game is about a notorious feminazi known as ‘big red’, not feminism as a whole, but her and her supporters. She resorted to name calling and destroying other peoples personal property because they were anti-abortion and decided to talk about it with people on the street side, and hold up signs like they had seen holding up signs that were pro-abortion. They were defending their beliefs and she verbally attacked them and destroyed their signs.