Things had been looking bleak for backers of action-RPG Witchmarsh. Six months had passed since the last update in May 2016, while developer Inglenook had been inactive on social media for even longer. But in November 2016 the developers posted a groveling apology and pledged to improve communication with updates every other Monday. This new feature was christened Marsh-Frog Mondays and, pleasingly, it’s a promise they’ve kept.

Witchmarsh Marsh-Frog Mondays

Four Marsh-Frog Mondays updates have been posted since then (there was a planned break over Christmas). Even more impressively, the updates haven’t just been cursory check ins but have included information on how Witchmarsh is progressing, plenty of lore and some nice in-game footage. This improved communication has extended to their social media outlets as the Facebook, Tumblr and Twitter pages for Witchmarsh are once again very active.

A Reason to Love Mondays

It’s not clear what exactly prompted Inglenook into this new mindset, but I’m very pleased to see it. Up until November it did seem that Witchmarsh might have been abandoned as the lack of activity was in stark contrast to their behavior in the first year after it had been funded. However, rather than accepting this, the backers had reminded active in the comments section of the Witchmarsh Kickstarter page and perhaps their angry words eventually spurred the developers into action.

Witchmarsh Marsh-Frog Mondays

Whatever the cause, the 5,420 backers who pledged $124,600 back in June 2014 are certainly much happier now – even if Witchmarsh is still over a year behind schedule. Backers don’t seem to mind this now though as reaction to Marsh-Frog Mondays has been extremely positive. Hopefully other creators will take notice.

About the Author

Dan Miller

Dan’s gaming habit began in the 1980s with the NES and since joining Kickstarter in 2014 he’s backed over 100 crowdfunded projects - more than half of which were for video games. Hailing from the UK, he also writes for

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