I’m a patron of the arts. I may not go to the theater as often as I’d like, but I still enjoy it when I do. Seeing a game that uses this as a premise makes me smile. To add to it, The Rainsdown Players: Second Act is a puzzle adventure with rhythm elements. It sounds like a great combination for a fun game to play.
The Rainsdown Players: Second Act is, as the name suggests, the second part of an ongoing series of games. The first one, Opening Night can be played right now for free. So, if you’re like me and interested in trying it out you can. The story is about a couple guys who want to make their troupe the premiere of the city. It’s up to them, and you, to make it the best it can be. But, it won’t be easy.
From what I can tell, The Rainsdown Players: Second Act does look like a fun little game and I certainly plan on trying out the first episode when I can. The pitch itself doesn’t go into any real detail, but that can be easily remedied by playing what they have. And, of course, waiting for updates to be released.
All in all, The Rainsdown Players: Second Act looks to be a fun pixelated diversion from most gaming. As a huge adventure game fan, the story has me intrigued. And as a sort-of fan of rhythm games, I look forward to seeing how they incorporate that into the narrative. I may, or may not, back this one. However, at just about $4 for the game it’s cheap enough.