Today, we bring you a unique and interesting title currently seeking funding through Kickstarter and being developed by budding studio Pixel Trip. The name of the game is The Breakout, both literally and figuratively, and the art style accompanying this title is enough to make anyone pay close attention. What can we expect if the title reaches its funding goals?
Well, The Breakout is a stealth game on the surface, but it accomplishes its feel and tension through use of the established “point and click” style of adventure gameplay often accompanied and carried along by great writing and clever puzzles, both of which this game plans on presenting. The tone is set best by The Breakout’s Kickstarter page, with videos, artwork, story details, music, and more, but suffice it to say that you don’t want to stay in jail anymore, and the only things keeping you from your freedom are armed guards, vicious attack dogs, sniper towers, spotlights, and ruthless, murderous leaders. Luckily, you are a clever person (I hope), and you will use that wit, in true point and click tradition, to outsmart puzzles, solve practical problems, and probably pair items with other items in ridiculously contrived ways.
The Breakout is currently in pre-production with Pixel Trip, and you can support the game on-the-cheap by going over to their Steam Greenlight page and giving them a big thumbs up. Funding is currently being collected, and their initial goal will be met at $49,500 with their first stretch goal being $55,000. Backers can expect the game, the art, and a chance to help make the game. Go check out The Breakout by Pixel Trip!
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