Welcome to our new weekly feature, “Question Of The Week.”  As you can tell from that entirely original title we’ll have a different question posed to our staff of writers every week and they chime in with their opinions.  No one sees one another’s responses until the story is posted, so each contributors thoughts are their own.  Responses are posted in no particular order.

And remember, as with all editorials, the views expressed in this editorial are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views or opinions of Cliqist.com and the rest of the staff.

The question of the week for the week of 4/06/14 is :

Do big name developers like Tim Schaffer, Brian Fargo, and Chris Roberts belong on Kickstarter / IndieGoGo?


Nathaniel Liles

nathanielBeing someone who believes that Kickstarter (when used responsibly) is a magical, shiny, golden force in the game industry, I think any developer with a good idea belongs on Kickstarter, especially those with proven skills. Kickstarter gives fans a voice, and it lets developers directly measure how much demand there is for a game. When a big name comes to Kickstarter, they’re in direct person-to-person contact with the people they’re designing the game more, making the creation of a game about artistic vision and pleasing the audience. Shock, shock, surprise, surprise, pleasing your audience can lead to a pretty sweet profit.

To read more of Nathaniels’ work click here.  To learn more about them check out our About Us page.


Julie Morley

julieI see no reason for them not to get involved in crowdfunded projects. Their companies may be successful but maybe there are financial limitations that cripple their creative freedom or ideas. There may be a game idea they have in mind that they just can’t swing, but crowdfunding gives them the wiggle room to make that happen. Anyone belongs on Kickstarter or IndieGoGo or any other crowdfunding website. I see no reason to discriminate any of the bigger companies from using these sites. Plus, by them taking an interest in crowdfunding, it generates more interest in crowdfunding websites in the public. So, in a way, by them giving crowdfunding a go, they are actually expanding the community and making it even more possible to get your game funded and a following.

To read more of Julies’ work click here.  To learn more about them check out our About Us page.


Marcus Estrada

marcusKickstarter, IndieGogo, and similar sites were made with one thing in mind: helping creative people make their projects a reality. The logic behind this is that there are tons of people out there with great ideas but who lack the money to even get started. Because of this, it definitely feels a bit weird when big-name developers take to Kickstarter for funding. Sure, they have great ideas like anyone else, but did Tim Schafer and Double Fine really require a boatload of money to make a game? Would publishers and consoles really turn them down? Perhaps that was true a few years back, but the gaming landscape has already changed considerably toward greater acceptance (and success!) of self-published titles.”

To read more of Marcus’’ work click here.  To learn more about them check out our About Us page.


Gregory Micek

gregThe backlash that big name developers get on crowdfunding sites is strange to me, just because they’re known in many gaming circles doesn’t mean they have the financial means to do everything they want for a given project.  I do think they could “be bros” and let people know in advance when they’re about to launch a campaign and offer up a couple details on the game.  While I believe that when a major campaign is happening it brings more money to other campaigns, that only seems to be true if the campaigns aren’t too similar.  I couldn’t help but pity everyone trying to fund a Mega Man clone on Kickstarter while the Mighty No. 9 campaign was running.

To read more of Gregs’ work click here.  To learn more about them check out our About Us page.


Charlotte “Charlie” Humphries

charlotteOf course big name developers belong on Kickstarter/IndieGoGo and other sites besides! Picking and choosing who can and cannot access these services is not inclusive at all, and if these places want to survive and thrive they’re going to need to attract as many of these developers as possible.

Also, these big name developers coming to play with Kickstarter etc.? Great advertising; it lets people know that projects and other causes posted on these sites are well worth their time and money. If anything it forces these sites to up their game and provide an even better service for backers.

To read more of Charlies’ work click here.  To learn more about them check out our About Us page.


Thanks to everyone that participated!  Be sure to let us know your thoughts in the comments.  Be sure to let us know if you have any questions you’d like us to answer in future editions of Question of the Week!  be sure to check out some of our previous editions as well.


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About the Author

Greg Micek

Greg Micek has been writing on and off about games since the late nineties, always with a focus on indie games. He started DIYGames.com in 2000, which was one of the earliest gaming sites to focus exclusively on indie games.

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