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Julie Morley

357 Articles

Julie Morley is a freelance writer and comic artist from Spring, Texas. She attended the Academy of Art University for two years, studying Animation and Illustration. Whilst here, she learned about writing comic scripts, storyboards, and general storytelling. Since leaving college, she has been working on personal comic projects, stories, and illustrations. She aspires to release a self published comic within two years. For the majority of her life, she has been playing console games, typically being third-person shooters and sandboxes. Her favorite game of existence is Dark Cloud II (Dark Chronicle) and her favorite Indie game is Gone Home.

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Julie Morley
4 Min Read

[dropcap size=big]T[/dropcap]he Xeko campaign is a teensy bit on the controversial side, leaving about 973 backers without rewards, no game, and bent out of shape. With Xeko, there’s a lot of miscommunication, or a lack of communication altogether and some really in depth legal complications that…

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Julie Morley
4 Min Read

[dropcap size=big]I[/dropcap]t is the classic case of an inexperienced but starry-eyed gaming enthusiast biting off more than they can chew, potentially learning a lesson at the price of thousands of dollars, and leaving many excited game lovers infuriated and with thinner wallets. Rainfall: The Sojourn…

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Julie Morley
1 Min Read

First – Prev – Next – Last Stay tuned every Sunday for a new edition of Under Development! [author image=”” ]Julie Morley is a freelance writer and comic artist from Spring, Texas. She attended the Academy of Art University for two years, studying Animation and Illustration. Whilst here, she…

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Julie Morley
1 Min Read

First – Prev – Next – Last Stay tuned every Sunday for a new edition of Under Development! [author image=”” ]Julie Morley is a freelance writer and comic artist from Spring, Texas. She attended the Academy of Art University for two years, studying Animation and Illustration. Whilst here, she…

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Julie Morley
4 Min Read

Kickstarter MIA: Panic Over Dungeon Panic by Julie Morley [divider] [dropcap]W[/dropcap]here to begin, where to begin… Dungeon Panic was an ambitious project launched on Kickstarter back in December 2012 by three gaming enthusiasts: comic veteran Josh Lesnick (NSFW Comics: Girly, You Suck), John King, (main developer),…

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Julie Morley
1 Min Read

First – Prev – Next – Last Stay tuned every Sunday for a new edition of Under Development! [author image=”” ]Julie Morley is a freelance writer and comic artist from Spring, Texas. She attended the Academy of Art University for two years, studying Animation and Illustration. Whilst here, she…

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Julie Morley
3 Min Read

The Art of Never Alone by Julie Morley [dropcap]N[/dropcap]o matter how you slice it, storytelling is at the very core of Upper One Games’ recently released puzzle exploratory game Never Alone. Upper One Games and E-Line Media teamed together to create an astounding  game concentrating…

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Julie Morley
1 Min Read

Religion is a very interesting topic to many people and often humanity has pondered what it would be like to be “God” or a deity in general, ruling over a population of people and determining how their society should conduct itself, which is just was…

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Julie Morley
1 Min Read

First – Prev – Next – Last Stay tuned every Sunday for a new edition of Under Development! [author image=”” ]Julie Morley is a freelance writer and comic artist from Spring, Texas. She attended the Academy of Art University for two years, studying Animation and Illustration. Whilst here, she…