HardWest1A team made up of experienced artists, programmers, and game designers have banded together, lending each other their varied experience to begin work on a truly unique project, and this project is known only as Hard WestIt calls itself a tactical turn-based western that will pull at the very edges of morality and sanity, but gameplay shows combat more intense than any turn-based game I’ve ever seen. This new studio is pulling together a truly AAA experience, with gameplay like XCOM, but a world like you’ve never seen.

Sure, the old west is well-known subject matter. I’m not saying that the decision to make a game in the old west automatically makes this unique, but what I am saying is that the old west shown in Hard West is a world of nightmares, horror, and literally a river of blood. Combine that with the tactical combat that allows skilled gunsmiths to ricochet and curve bullets into their enemies, and you have a recipe for a good game. This is far from a done deal, however.

HardWest2The folks at CreativeForge Games haven’t had a massive flood of donations yet, despite the completely badass nature of Hard West’s campaign. If you want to see this concept go any further, it would definitely help the devs out if you shared this page, visited Kickstarter, and maybe even pledged a few dollars. If you have any questions, the developers are very good at answering questions asked in the comments section of their Kickstarter, so if you’re interested but a little worried, take a leap of faith and let your voice be heard!


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About the Author

Nathaniel Liles

Nathaniel Liles is a freelance writer, writing major, and indie musician based in Southern Indiana. While procrastinating or avoiding real-world responsibility, Nathaniel enjoys playing rhythm games, action RPGs, and very colorful games with many bright, flashing lights. You can listen to Nathaniel sing songs or download his music for free at http://nathanielliles.bandcamp.com/.

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