cupcake1Well good golly gosh, I got to this a little late, so now instead of commenting on the ridiculous prospect of starting a crowdfunding campaign to send cupcakes to a game design company, I get to comment on the ridiculous prospect of this project being funded rather quickly. That is hilarious and adorable, and I want to pinch this idea’s cute little cheeks.

Cupcakes for Cloud Imperium Gaming was a special little IndieGogo campaign with a simple goal in mind: Send a cupcake to every employee at Cloud Imperium Gaming Studios as a little “thank you” from the Star Citizen community to the folks who made it so grand to be a citizen of the ‘Verse. “So,” you may be asking in futility (I’m a paragraph on the internet, I can’t hear your mouth, only your comments, and only if they’re typed.), “How did they get this funded? I mean, were there some slammin’ rad rewards tiers?” Nah. They just wanted donations. Any over-funding they get from the campaign (which is looking to be about $500 at the rate things are going) will be put on a Star Citizen gift card and given away in a contest. That’s it.

This is perfect and hilarious. I have nothing else to say. This is adorable, and it should happen more. I want to make the best game in the world solely so people will buy me $500 worth of cupcakes while giving back to the gaming community. I hope this doesn’t amount to some scandal, because offering something like a gift card does technically violate the Terms and Conditions of IndieGogo, so donate at your own risk. If you’d like to donate to what is now a giant gift card raffle/lottery, check out this delicious IndieGogo campaign. These cupcakes will not be released on Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, or Android because cupcakes are sticky and tiny computers are expensive.


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About the Author

Nathaniel Liles

Nathaniel Liles is a freelance writer, writing major, and indie musician based in Southern Indiana. While procrastinating or avoiding real-world responsibility, Nathaniel enjoys playing rhythm games, action RPGs, and very colorful games with many bright, flashing lights. You can listen to Nathaniel sing songs or download his music for free at

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