The 80’s Come Alive in Mighty Gunvolt
by Julie Morley
[divider]Mighty Gunvolt is a five level, platformer styled reminiscently of games you’d find on the original NES, and designed gameplay-wise like Mega Man. Mighty Gunvolt is a free minigame that launched on August 29th, available to those who purchased Azure Striker Gunvolt and many backers of Comcept’s Mighty No. 9. It was created by Inti Creates – including three playable characters taken from multiple projects Inti Creates has had a hand in making (Mighty No. 9, Azure Striker Gunvolt, and GalGun). Currently, Mighty Gunvolt is a freebie available with the purchase of Azure Striker Gunvolt until November 29th. Afterwards, it will be purchasable on Nintendo eShop for $3.99.
As I previously said, Mighty Gunvolt is divided between three playable characters, each with five levels to play. Coming from GalGun is Ekoko. She is an adorable chibi angel girl with the ability to fly, shoot, and capture the heart of her enemies and make them do her bidding. Out of all playable characters, I found Ekoko to be most enjoyable to play and least challenging. Ekoko has a few levels that Gunvolt and Beck do not, which on my end broadened the actual gameplay.
From Azure Striker Gunvolt is – of course – the titular character Gunvolt. Gunvolt’s abilities are simplistic, including double jumping, shooting, and an impressive stream of hellfire players can move up and down as they please. Gunvolt is the second least challenging character to play, the double jump working to quite an advantage in certain boss battles.
And lastly, from Mighty No. 9 is Beck. Of all three, Beck proved to be the most challenging character to play. His skill base is relatively simple: shooting, sliding around, and a fully-powered slide. His simplicity heightened his difficulty, demanding more strategic planning on the players’ end.
Mighty Gunvolt follows a similar story to Azure Striker Gunvolt. Sumeragi is a massive media group seeking the next big idol. But they’re sketchy – this group has been experimenting on humans in the process. Suddenly female students were disappearing. People weren’t couplin’ up and lovin’ anymore. But Gunvolt is destined to put an end to this tragedy. With Ekoko and Beck by his side, he’ll break into the Sumeragi facilities and free the ladies.
It took a while for me to really get a feel for Mighty Gunvolt. I made the mistake of choosing the most difficult playable character at first, Beck, and struggled for roughly thirty minutes to just get past the first level (for shame!). Disgruntled and frustrated with my inability to adequately defeat the train level boss, I decided to give the other characters a chance. Naturally, Ekoko was my first choice and she turned my attitude completely around. From that point on, I loved Mighty Gunvolt and couldn’t put it down.
I would not rest until I finally understood the Bosses’ patterns. Sleep is for the weak.
To play Mighty Gunvolt, I advise starting with Ekoko, then Gunvolt, then Beck. It will ease players into playing Beck rather than jumping right into it.
[divider][Google][follow id=”Cliqist” size=”large” count=”true” ] [author image=”” ]Julie Morley is a freelance writer and comic artist from Spring, Texas. She attended the Academy of Art University for two years, studying Animation and Illustration. Whilst here, she learned about writing comic scripts, storyboards, and general storytelling. Since leaving college, she has been working on personal comic projects, stories, and illustrations. She aspires to release a self published comic within two years. For the majority of her life, she has been playing console games, typically being third-person shooters and sandboxes. Her favorite game of existence is Dark Cloud II (Dark Chronicle) and her favorite Indie game is Gone Home.[/author]