If you’ve been seeking out a new “hardcore” game for your Android or iOS tablet then you simply have to take a loot at Rogue Wizards. This game, which also happens to be targeting Windows and Mac PC release, might appear to be a cute little dungeon crawler but provides so much more. You start off as a youthful-looking wizard who must explore dungeons. Along your way you will encounter many monsters, nab tons of loot, and hopefully make some money as well.
A handful of features in Rogue Wizards also seem distinct from other dungeon crawlers. For one, a whole heck of a lot of stuff in the game is procedurally generated. Many games tend to allow for random dungeons and leave it at that. In this game every piece of loot is as well. With unlimited unique gear it’s likely you’ll find a great many that fit with your play style well. You’ve also got access to six spell types (you’re a wizard, after all!) which effect enemies in different ways. Despite being turn-based, battles also move quickly. All of this is overlaid with a very cartoony, pleasant visual style that fits right in with the mobile space.
Players who normally ignore the mobile game space should still look into Rogue Wizards. Like I said, it offers some real challenge. The PC version also works just fine despite having some obvious mobile GUI design. If you’d like to hear more about my thoughts on the game then please read my hands-on preview! Rogue Wizards needs to hit its $70,000 goal on Kickstarter to become a reality.
Track the progress of the Rogue Wizards Kickstarter by heading over to our Campaign Calendar.
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[…] it is : Marcus wrote: “As you might have guessed from the title, this is a roguelike. That means you are up for a […]