All the way back in 2012, a bunch of ex-Rare Ltd. developers got together at a pub and tweeted out rumors of a spirtual successor to the classic N64 titles, Banjo Kazooie and Banjo Tooie. They even went as far as talking about what game engine they would be using and that they would most likely put the game onto Kickstarter. The idea eventually fizzled out and was long since forgotten.
Now, almost three years later, six ex-Rare Ltd. developers are back with a similar rumor but with a lot more credibility. Forming a new website and studio called Playtonic Games, the indie studio released a teaser pic and a little bit more info on what this new studio is all about. The dev’s have code named their debut game, ‘Project Ukulele’, in hopes to bring back the golden-age of platforming. I’m looking forward to hearing more about the game and hoping to see a Kickstarter in the future.