Every week, Cliqist trawls through Kickstarter, IndieGogo and almost every other crowdfunding site where we’ll be able to find people raising money to create games. And every week, we’re left both awestruck by many of the games that are being crowdfunded, as well as disappointed that some of these games not only aren’t getting the attention they deserve, but also in the fact that they haven’t gotten the financial backing of many AAA titles.

With that in mind, every week, Cliqist will bring you some of our favourite crowdfunding campaigns that we could find. In this weekly instalment, we’ll be focusing on games that have launched on IndieGogo. If you think that we’ve missed any games, or think that we haven’t giving enough attention to some campaigns, feel free to let us know. Please bear in mind, that this column focuses mainly on IndieGogo campaigns, you’ll want to head over to our Weekly Launchpad to see the Kickstarter campaigns.

 Covenant Without

The Game:

Covenant Without is a third person ARPG.Player can duel the Bosses in the story line.Story mode also contain Recruiting warriors.Form a great team and Siege.


  • Balanced PVP system.
  • Various bodytypes.
  • Cold Steel weapons all over the world.
  • Realistic reactions.
  • Movement speed relates to weapon and armor weight.
  • Plenty of Movements.
  • Combo system.
  • Injury system.

IndieGogo: Covenant Without Concept Art

  • Every weapon set and armor Leads to different movement.There are 3 major categories.light medium and heavy attacks.
  • Nomally,lighter attack means smaller flaw or open(Assuming Miss)
  • Heavy attack usually have a starting action and big flaw(Assuming Miss)
  • Guarding a Heavier attack will cause bigger stun.Further more,there are Breaking Guard to worry.(Defender must be focus all the time)
  • There are more actions develops based on the character’s status.(Standing Running Sprinting).
  • There are push-away actions.When characters are too close to each other.Push-away results depend on the weight of each characters.


The Game:

Dispersion is an RPG hack ‘n’ slash where you have to slay each wave of demons with the use of traps, wards, melee/range dps or spells. It’s one of the most focused mob directing top-down hack-n-slash game, not because it’s augmented reality, but because of the combat, mob directing, spec/build system.

Only if you focus on one character specification goal not only using traps or only spells for instance, but a combination of traps, wards, perks and spells will you will reach the end. A few examples are a pure range dps build, a regenerating melee build, a kiting build or choose a  perfect complementary balance it’s up to you.


  • Use gold, buffs, spells or melee/range (alone or in combination) to create  the most effective top-down hack ‘n slash slayer ever!
  • Random perk level up system.
  • It’s an intricate hack ‘n’ slash game that takes place in reality.
  • Choose how you want to play kite, cast, range dps or melee with a  combination of wards, traps, spells and perk abilities.
  • Each monster has its own way of fighting, thinking and has a unique personality.   Members of the same species or origins will work together while staying neutral to other species, but all still hating your guts of course.

IndieGogo: Dispersion Screenshot

  • Every level you gain, you get to choose a set of 6 randomperks (similar to the survival epic Crimsonland) These consist of instant abilities and passives that last you through the game. Spells will pop up as an onscreen button.
  • After each level up you can choose 2 of 4 benefits from the Gods to add to your character: Health, Intellect, Strength and Gold.
  • You can buy and upgrade your wards and trapswith gold. You get traps that hook, launch, slow, burn, banish, teleport and amplify damage received and many more (and that’s not even mentioning wards.)
  • Combine your traps,wards, spells and perks to create a melee, range, damage per second or tank character.

If we missed any be sure to let us know below!  For the Kickstarter side of things be sure to head to our weekly Kickstarter recap.


About the Author

Luke Luby

Luke Luby is a journalist based out of Cork, Ireland. He can normally be found in front of a keyboard or a console, and refuses to cut his hair on a regular basis. He has a couple of degrees saying that he knows how to read and write. Or, at least, that's what he thinks they say. Regardless of whether he's in front of a keyboard or a console, you can always find him on Twitter in order to tell him you think he's wrong. He won't mind, he'll gladly try to drop some truth bombs your way in 140 characters or less.

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