ambrov2Whether you look at Loreful’s Kickstarter campaign for Ambrov X as a beacon of shimmery sci-fi goodness, or like, a total nerdgasm, is inconsequential.  What matters is that the veteran team out of Cincinnati have put forth some solid effort in hopes of getting a few bucks from you.  From the adorably eager video, the extensive game explanation, the multitude of screenshots, all the way to the solid backer rewards; the Loreful crew are really excited to get Ambrov X made.

So what is Ambrov X?

Ambrov X is an episodic role-playing video game set in the award-winning Sime~Gen Universe created by Jacqueline Lichtenberg and Jean Lorrah. With Ambrov X, we aim to create a rich, story-driven experience that delves deep into emotional themes, coupled with breath-taking action and adventure.

Think Mass Effect; but steeped in over 40 years of hard-core sci-fi background.  Here’s some additional points from the team that are worth mentioning :

  • Ambrov X is a 3D, single-player, action role-playing game
  • The game is Fully-Voiced with Cinematic Dialogue Scenes
  • Choose your gender and from the two human sub-species Sime and Gen
  • Choose from four unique classes: the Endowed, the Monk, the Agent and the Sentinel
  • Modify any armor piece or weapon in the game through a powerful modification crafting system
  • The game is being developed in the Unity engine for Windows, OS X, Linux with alternate releases for iOS, Android, PS 4 and XBOX to be released at a later date
  • Character-Driven Story

Check out the official Ambrov X website for additional details.  They’ve also got a couple updates posted already with a lot of info.  This team likes to write!

The Ambrov X Kickstarter runs until October 5th, and has a pledge goal of $500,000.

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About the Author

Greg Micek

Greg Micek has been writing on and off about games since the late nineties, always with a focus on indie games. He started in 2000, which was one of the earliest gaming sites to focus exclusively on indie games.

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