Wayforward, creators of the recently released Ducktales Remastered, launched a new Kickstarter campaign this week. This time the title isn’t just a fancy remake, but a fancy original game in their in-house series Shantae. The new project, Shantae : Half Genie Hero, will be the fourth game in the Shantae series, the the millionth title from Wayforward (see, they do a lot of ports). The funding video for Shantae is interesting because it doesn’t feature anyone staring at a camera asking for money, instead it includes almost nothing but gameplay. You can’t get much more clear cut than that. So, why are Wayforward asking for $400,000?
Our funding price will allow us to create an action-packed opening stage (with boss), 3 Chapters, and an exciting conclusion; similar to previous Shantae games. But why stop there? Together we can make this game truly epic by reaching our STRETCH GOALS!
Speaking of stretch goals, they may seem a bit on the optimistic side, but after only 3 days they’re already to over $180,000. If they get into stretch goal territory then for an extra $100,00 Wayforward will add the ability to play as Shantae’s arch nemesis, Risky Boots. Another $100,000 means we’ll get a new adventure and a new transformation. If total funding reaches $700,000 then the team will add a mode that let’s players replay the game with rebalanced stats and special moves. From there it’s $100,000 tiers up to $1.3 million, but there’s no info on those yet. Rewards include the usual assortment of wallpapers, posters, t-shirts, an art book, and so on. If you’ve got some spare cash you could buy your image into the game, or even an invite to the Shantae : HGH wrap party in October 2014.
The Shantae : Half Genie Hero Kickstarter campaign runs until October 4th. Look for it to be released late next year for all home consoles and PC.