Alone without any recollection of where you came from, you awaken on a seemingly abandoned caffeine mining ship, floating aimlessly in space. It is a time of great despair and resource desperation. Corporations have built ships far and wide to mine for minerals needed for what were once basic, everyday, needs that have become scarce and valuable. Like the caffeine in the very cup of coffee you’re most likely drinking right now.
Already, Caffeine sounds a bit eerie.
Dylan Browne is the sole developer for Caffeine, located in Adelaide, Australia, and he’s been designing it with the Unreal Engine for a while now. For Caffeine, through Kickstarter, he aims to raise $70,000 AUD to continue working on it full time to release it by the beginning of 2015. He’s onto something different in the exploratory horror genre with Caffeine, all of which will be playable on Windows, Mac, Linux, and with the Oculus Rift.
Caffeine is an interesting take on a psychological horror game utilizing exploration from a child’s perspective. Different emotions are stirred up; if not even a completely different mindset once players acknowledge this. The player is vulnerable and very exposed without much protection or light sources to guide them along. It’s all relying on the exploration to figure out what’s going on. A combination of suspense and uncertainty, lore, and puzzle solving will potentially capture the attention of players and keep them captivated for the entirety of gameplay.
For those who are feeling a bit gutsy, there is both an Unreal Engine 3 and 4 demo available via a link on the Kickstarter page. The Caffeine Kickstarter concludes on June 19th.
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[…] a unique horror game that takes place in a caffeine mining ship in deep space. In writing about it last week, Julie Morley […]