En House Studios, based in Chicago, Illinois, is a group of college friends that took their love of gaming a step further. For some time, they’ve been working part time on GLITCH and the progress has been moving quite slow. With hopes of game design freedom, funding for full time development, and additional attention and hype, En House Studios is turning to Kickstarter to crowdfund the $10,000 needed.
The development team will use the money given from the Kickstarter to work full time to complete as much content as possible funds run low again; at which point they’ll switch back to part time development to make up the remaining part. This team is determined to have GLITCH completed and ready for release on Steam, Humble Bundle, or their own website by June 2015, though the date is subject to change.
So, what is GLITCH even about?
GLITCH is a psychological RPG with turn-based gameplay and a constant destruction of the fourth wall. Gus is the main character, a man going through an existential crisis in a prison held in time. His memories are starting to fade away and he’s losing his identity by the minute. With our introduction, through the GLITCH, we miraculously are able to save him from his despair and help piece his life together. Gus and the player go on a journey together like no other, fighting the clock, going on quests and meeting interesting characters. There will always be something to do in GLITCH.
En House Studios needs $10K by July 16 for a successful campaign. Already, $2,000 has been raised for GLITCH. With 22 days remaining, it seems the campaign is off to a great start.
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