We have a long, illustrious, history of mentioning non gaming related items here on Cliqist; so here’s another one! Benny Greb is a name you may or may not be familiar with. Drummers will recognize him as one of the best drummers around; non-drummers won’t know him, or much of his work. As a brief lesson to get you familiarized with him, here’s Benny at the 2013 Meinl Drum Festival.
Ok, it was a bit long, but even if you just skip around hopefully you’ll recognize the amazingness.
Circling back to why we’re here in the first place, Benny Greb has started an IndieGogo campaign to help fund his upcoming educational DVD “The Art and Science of Groove.” While solid groove may seem as impressive as what Benny showed off in his solo above, it’s certainly far more relevant to the average drummer; and more enjoyable to the typical listener. If €80,000 can be raised by August 31st Benny will be creating a piece of work to help drummers develop their groove that will likely surpass his previous DVD, “Language of Drumming,” in both quality and influence.
As a heads up, unlike many IndieGogo campaigns this particular one is a fixed funding campaign; which means that Benny needs to hit the €80,000 if he plans on collecting anything at all. If you’re a drummer, check it out. If you’re not a drummer, but know one (hello!) then check it out, some of the perks would make great gifts. Sure, there aren’t a lot of perk levels (going from €90 to €870 with nothing in-between? Seriously?), but what’s there is solid.
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