Most card games follow a turn-based system, allowing players plenty of time to think over their next move and plan ahead, but what if this card game was in real time, relying on the players to be quick on their feet? In The Regret of Vitrerran, players are introduced to a new type of card game that will depend on their quick reaction time and multitasking.
Gameplay takes place on a grid battlefield with a collection of guards; players must multitask between the attack, defense, and playing field grids in order to combat any opponents and maintain their position on the field. As for the cards, they are what the character will evolve into. Players have extensive customization capability with these cards, which pave the entire story for the player. Despite the intense combat, the developers contend that The Regret of Vitrerran is character and story driven.
In an effort to maintain peace in the continent of Vitrerran, the wizards set up portals in between each kingdom. This eliminates any physical separation and creates a better understanding among the populace of alternative cultures from different kingdoms. But the portals went horribly wrong, only inviting in monsters hell-bent on destroying everything in sight and wreaking havoc.
In four campaigns, players will combat these horrific creatures and restore peace in all of Vitrerran.
Dual Wield Software wants $30K from Kickstarter to work on The Regret of Vitrerran full time to meet both their quality standard and year deadline.
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