cliqistlogonewIt’s been now been one year since Cliqist was launched.  A lot has changed, and a lot has stayed the same.  We’ve added staff, lost staff.  We’ve got some things right, and a few things wrong.  Hopefully we’ve learned a thing or two in the process. To celebrate our one year milestone we’re going to forgo the cake and instead focus on content.  In addition to our usual mix of content next week, each day we’re going to have a different birthday themed feature.  Here’s what we’ve got!

Sunday 8/31 – Question of The Week – Birthday Edition

Monday 9/1 – Holiday!

Tuesday 9/2 – Kickstarter Developer Poetry Collection

Wednesday 9/3 – 250 Kickstarter Games You Can Play Now

Thursday 9/4 – Cliqist First Year Postmortem

Friday 9/5 – Cliqist Year 1 By The Numbers

Saturday 9/6 – What’s Next?

I hope you’ll join us every day, it should be fun! [divider]

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About the Author

Greg Micek

Greg Micek has been writing on and off about games since the late nineties, always with a focus on indie games. He started in 2000, which was one of the earliest gaming sites to focus exclusively on indie games.

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