Remember that amazing RPG Moon Hunters we posted about a few weeks ago? Come on. Make your own mythology. Be the legend. Ringing a bell? Good! Do I have some good news for you!
Kitfox Games’ campaign for Moon Hunters wasn’t just funded, it was blown out of the water.
Roughly a month ago, Kitfox Games launched their campaign for their game Moon Hunters, aiming to raise $45K CAD by September 26th. This action RPG did not just meet $45K. As of a couple days prior to the conclusion of the campaign, $140K has been reached, knocking out multiple stretch goals. Now, this action RPG will be exported to PS Vita and PS4 as well.
If the campaign can reach $170K, they will unlock a sixth character class, the Sun Cultist. If they reach their ultimate goal of $250K, Moon Hunters will be released on Wii U as well.
As of now, the Moon Hunters Kickstarter campaign is just shy of $146k and has 66 hours remaining.
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