Of course, as any crowdfunding connoisseur is aware, projects take time. Heck, the oldest successfully funded Kickstarter video game project ever – High Strangeness – just launched this year! What we see occurring less frequently, however, is when a developer releases other games in between the period of crowdfunding a project and getting that project to market in some form. To most, it seems like an incredibly confusing decision at best, and as disingenuous and insulting at worst. Backers can’t help but wonder what it all means. After all, if there’s not enough time to complete a crowdfunding project then how on Earth is there time to put together a seperate game? Beyond that, don’t backers have some sort of expectation of the game they backed being the priority of said development studio?
Lupiesoft is still developing Dizzy Hearts two years later. But along the way they have launched an updated version of an episodic title they made for a game jam. The Reject Demon: Toko – Chapter 0 is a raunchy, engaging visual novel to be sure, but it most definitely isn’t Dizzy Hearts. The developer has also made no secret of their other project titled The Menagerie. Although that’s not quite hit the market yet, a demo already made its way out which suggests a lot of development work has already been poured in. These events have caused backers to worry far more than they likely would have if the game were taking years but seemed to be the main focus. Is Dizzy Hearts on the backburner, and if so, why?
There are so many questions which an outsider such as myself cannot answer. That’s why I posed a handful of questions to Lupiesoft themselves. Backers need not agree with everything they say, but they should at least be aware of the company’s reasoning for this development behavior. And although I did not back Dizzy Hearts myself, I too happen to have my share of questions for the team.
Cliqist: How did the successful Kickstarter for Dizzy Hearts affect your team? Did it grow, did development begin in earnest, was it an extremely stressful situation, or a mix of things?
Lupiesoft: The Kickstarter for Dizzy Hearts also Kickstarted Lupiesoft as a company. We were only a couple people at that point, it allowed us to have confidence in the game as well as what stories we were telling. People wanted to read them and at the time I was not sure if there was an interest in the subject matter of my games. Sometimes I’m surprised because I’m always thinking up weird shit and people are interested in reading about it.
Cliqist: At what point did you realize that Dizzy Hearts was going to be a project of such large scale?
Lupiesoft: The suggested release date for Dizzy Hearts was 2014. But I think what people glance over is that this date was ‘before’ stretch goals, and I must legally put down a date on Kickstarter. The fans chose overwhelmingly to have Dizzy Hearts increased from 50k words to 200k words. The difference between a 50k word book and a 200k word book alone is huge. Factor in that originally the 50k word game was going to be kinetic, and this new 200k word game has branching stories, MANY new characters, the story the way I always wanted to tell it. VNs don’t really grow in difficulty linearly but exponentially, so it naturally would take much longer to make this game.
Cliqist: Why was the decision made to remake The Reject Demon: Toko and turn it episodic as well as create The Menagerie alongside development of Dizzy Hearts? Were practice or a need for more funding factors in this decision?
Lupiesoft: The Reject Demon: Toko was always going to be episodic, but we debated just what medium was best suited for it. In the end Menagerie and Toko act as ways to push us as a team, to develop necessary skills in order to complete Dizzy Hearts, so in a way they were practice. This was because during Dizzy Hearts development, even before the Kickstarter we had to redo the assets multiple times.
The scope of the game was huge and if we continued to work the way we were, it would be like a bird trying to peck a mountain into a grain of sand. It would take forever. We would have collapsed under the futility of it and the game would never come out.
As many Kickstarters that move onto different projects, there are those that collapse under their own weight such as Dysfunctional Systems. Because we wanted to release Dizzy Hearts, because it was important to us we felt it was necessary to practice so we were not crushed by the project, and we didn’t grow to hate it because of the sheer scale of time grinding on it to now effect.
Cliqist: What are some issues that occurred during Dizzy Hearts’ development which may have delayed its launch?
Lupiesoft: There’s been no issues that have delayed Dizzy Hearts, we don’t have all writers working on the same projects at a time. But we’re all self funded, I draw everything by hand and it often means staggering raw man-hours compounded into single month increments. As a team we probably produce material at a enormous rate, but some people need to be fed, $16,000 in game dev terms isn’t much money, and while it paid for the most expensive aspects of Dizzy Hearts, very little of that goes to keeping us alive.
Cliqist: Do you feel that your team could have been more transparent about the development decisions they were making to backers? Has this been a learning experience?
Lupiesoft: I’ve been saying generally what’s above for two years now in one form or another, and I don’t think we could be more transparent than we have been without publishing our devlogs. People will think I “canceled” Dizzy Hearts. It’s a sore issue because Dizzy Hearts and the creation of this universe of Dizzy Hearts represents the bulk of my adult life and it’s essentially what I think about from sun-up to sun-down.
Cliqist: How far along would you say Dizzy Hearts is at the moment?
Lupiesoft: We’ve been having meetings very recently as we prepare to move into full time development. That said significant chunks are written, the story is outlined. The development of visual novels while simple on the surface are logistically very complicated. Other than writing, all the art that was present on the Kickstarter will need a new pass (or be redrawn) to bring it up to the quality of our current releases.
Cliqist: Would you consider using Kickstarter in the future or is Patreon your preferred method of fan funding now?
Lupiesoft: We’ve refrained from using Kickstarter for things like Toko or other projects we have in mind because we don’t think that it’s good for us to do so until Dizzy Hearts is released to the public. For Kickstarting other games after Dizzy Hearts we might consider it, but it might be for something far larger, maybe as a more gameplay oriented game.
We’ve also considered whether we should, if fans are adamant on having it, using Kickstarter to fund things like full voice acting (rather than partial) for Dizzy Hearts, as well as for Toko too, this would be something with very clear cut budgets.
Lupiesoft brings up the interesting point of how easy it could be to grow to “hate” a project if that’s the only thing your team focuses on for a great deal of time. The concept of needing to gain practice before tackling a massive project also makes sense, but if I were running a Kickstarter personally I’d hope to already have a great deal of this practice under my belt before asking for funds. But hey, there’s no rule saying this isn’t allowed, as tons of campaigns launch their business/etc alongside their product in the crowdfunding sphere. I wish I could know even more, but thanks to Lupiesoft for even answering these questions. Another developer initially slated to be a part of this article (who was in a similar situation to Lupiesoft) declined to answer.
But really, at the end of the day my opinions are a moot point as well. What matters most is how the backers feel. Did you back Dizzy Hearts? Do you feel these responses (or their most recent update) quell any anxiety or frustration? Do they actually add fuel to the fire? Considering the Lupiesoft Patreon makes somewhere around $900 a month, it seems most don’t mind the wait for Dizzy Hearts. Regardless, please share your opinions in the comments!
As someone who didn’t back Dizzy Hearts here’s my take: While I can understand Lupiesoft desire as artist to work on multiple projects to keep their creativity, and not grow to hate there own creation, I can’t help but feel that the desire to do so is something that they can only trully deserve once there first project is out and in the open. When they took there first project out to kickstarter, they created a situation in which they came out to the public and pledge there support to completing there project. Lupiesoft should have made the completion of this first game there highest priority, before starting project and restarting another. Anyway that’s my take, as someone who has backed other projects, I also understand the frustration of a company crowdfunding that I supported going back to the well before completing there prior engagements.
Well as a backer of Dizzy hearts..i am biased. But my opinion is the same as yours /come here that i hug you lol. I think marcus gave also a neutral point of view without neglecting how unhabitual it is to go work on other project for “2 years” to grow on experience when you’ve been asking for money on one particular project.
As Marcus said there is no rules. I won’t say Lupiesoft did a bad thing maybe that’s even a thoughtful thing. But my feeling as a backer and i can’t help is that we’ve been neglected.
I made a big response post on this page if your interested in looking from someone that joined long after Kickstarter.
This project is sort of well known for going insane on the stretch goal aspect… I feel sorta bad for him since he promised a pretty insane undertaking for funds that Ks fees, the IRS, and promised rewards have probably whittled down to a toothpick. Though I don’t think its abnormal for a dev to have 2 projects, when I read that update it almost seemed to imply DH was barely getting started, so i guess that’s a bit weird. If he said he was using the other games to supplement income I’d understand.
(By the way, I really like all the visual novel articles on here. There’s other visual novel sites but they’re slow to update and well, I think it have a lot of personal bias that makes them more of a blog than editorial content. )
Income is pretty important to the project (Lupiesoft’s Pr guy) I joined the project back in 2014 July and did not receive any money until the launch of Toko. Two other writers have joined since I joined in similar esque circumstances. With another 2 having disappeared along the way. Long project burn out is very real for people working on a project in their free time outside of education/day jobs. Those that joined Lupiesoft inherited the goals made on Kickstarter but were not their to be a part of it originally. & it’s these almost volunteer writers that are fuelling its completion. Whilst patreon is up that’s barely enough to make a dent in one persons rent.
We saw Sunriders kickstarter feedback just recently and at x12 times its original goal they said that it was not enough money really. & that project received enough money that most members didn’t need to work their day job any more thus they had more time to spend on the game. Where as with Lupiesoft this is not the case.
I always considered using Dizzy Hearts as the example to not copy on KS. The fact he promised a 200K word game, which is roughly 20 hours worth of gameplay for only $16K is insane! It took my friend who has more than 10 years experience in VN game making, 2-3 years to make a 150K word VN. Dizzy hearts is pretty much a sinking ship, which will probably take 3-4 years to make for a small inexperienced team. I do wish him the best that he raises enough money to continue to work on it and complete someday soon.
I’ve never had the dream of making a visual novel, but in the past certainly have toyed with the idea of writing books. Heck, just writing one novel is quite an undertaking – and those typically don’t even have pictures, music, or branching pathways! To devote oneself to a huge visual novel, as you have stated, is an immensely long process.
If you are able to share, what is that visual novel your friend made? You don’t have to name it, just curious if I’ve played it by chance.
Actually my friend is about to re-release an updated version of her game. Perhaps I can email you about it?
Oh, cool! And you can find my email by clicking on the little “letter” icon on my Cliqist author profile.
I believe my friend Zeiva had emailed you her game a few weeks ago. Did you get it?
Aaaaah! I get a lot of visual novel emails, actually, so I didn’t realize that was from her. You’re friends with Zeiva? That’s awesome!
Ah okay I was just curious. Yep! I proofread and beta test all their games and they’re also helping me on my game so yeah
they’re awesome.