The Bizarre Creations of Keith the Magnificent is out now on Steam. 79 backers put £4,032 into the point and click game that follows ‘Keith the lonely wizard, his graverobbing adventures and his zombie cyborg friends’. Backers are kindly asked to message the developer in order to receive their free download codes.
So far, the game has 8 user reviews, 7 of of which are positive. The Steam community clearly enjoys ‘robbing graves, cutting up corpses, creating steam-punk cyborgs and hosting parties’, then. No surprises there.
Never heard of The Bizarre Creations of Keith the Magnificent? Think it sounds interesting? Have a look here. Who knows? It just might be your cup of tea, and for $4.99, you can’t really do much wrong. So go ahead and say no to Starbucks today, and help an independent developer in the process. Come to think of it, you should do that every day. Videogames are better than overpriced coffee.
For more on The Bizarre Creations of Keith the Magnificent, visit Facebook, Twitter, and its official website.