News that Plague Road is coming to PS Vita already had backers overjoyed. Arcade Distillery’s twisted turn-based tactical rogue-like is about halfway to its $30,000 funding goal on Kickstarter. Hoping to get that little extra push, the team has decided to offer a limited print run of a physical version of Plague Road on PS Vita.
Pledge Your Poison
The PlayStation 4 version had a physical release since the campaign launched. The reward tier included a stylish 6” Plague Doctor figurine. Recognizing that some backers might just want the disc and not the statue (for whatever terrible reason), the devs have decided to offer a new tier catering exclusively to these misguided souls.
For $40 backers will receive a limited run, boxed retail copy of Plague Road for their choice of either PlayStation 4 or PS Vita. This reward tier also includes the Digital Deluxe Edition of the game and your name listed in the credits. It’s actually a really good deal for anyone wanting to pick up both the digital and physical releases of the game. You know, one to play and one to force Jim Sterling to sign at conventions.
Backers who’ve already pledged for a physical copy will be able to choose which platform they’d like to receive. The campaign has about two weeks left so it’s probably a good idea to make a pledge and pick up that sweet limited edition before time runs out.
(Ed: Conrad Zimmerman is a member of the Arcade Distillery team. Conrad briefly worked with Cliqist as a Copy Editor. He left on October 1st to pursue other projects. Joanna Mueller was a forum administrator for Destructoid while both Conrad and Jim worked there, but never worked directly with either. No coverage considerations have been granted based on this.)