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Greg Micek
1 Min Read

There’s a couple interesting crowd funding postmortems over on Gamasutra.  The first is for DwarfCorp from Completely Fair Games, while the other is for Gods Will Be Watching.  The DwarfCorp postmortem is the lengthier of the two but it goes into a lot of detail,…

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Serena Nelson
1 Min Read

I’ve always been strangely fascinated with Hell and the concept of eternal damnation. There’s just something about everlasting pain and suffering at the hands of demons and devils as penance for sins committed in life that interests me. I’m also drawn towards games with hellish…

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Greg Micek
5 Min Read

[dropcap size=big]A[/dropcap]nother year, another E3; that magical land of games, over priced food, foot traffic, booth babes, and ear blisteringly loud music. E3 is the Promised Land to many gamers, after all, where else can you see a ton of unreleased games and talk to…