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172 Articles
2 12
Josh Griffiths

After publishing that massive list detailing every suspended Kickstarter campaign, I noticed a few patterns. The first…

0 5
Josh Griffiths

RPGolf stood out to me on Indiegogo because of the high amount of money it received, over…

0 5
Josh Griffiths

The developers weren’t kidding when they said they were inspired by the Gameboy, that’s for sure. In…

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Josh Griffiths

Antinomy is one of the more interesting Kickstarter campaigns in a long time. It’s incredibly ambitious, it…

2 10
Josh Griffiths

As Serena admitted to not liking miniature battle games last week, I too must admit tabletop gaming…

1 8
Josh Griffiths

On this week’s Crowdfunding Analysis Time (still a great name), we take a look at Lab Zero’s…

0 19
Josh Griffiths

Last month, iqSoup released a battle demo for their cowboy steampunk game Age of Grit. Yes, that…

0 9
Josh Griffiths

Talk about a quick turnaround. I was so enthralled by what I saw from Mainlining last Friday…

0 1
Josh Griffiths

I’m willing to admit I didn’t do a good job explaining myself in the demo for Deliver…

3 39
Josh Griffiths

Apparently, we haven’t yet covered Seiyuu Danshi, which is a great shame. It’s a visual novel about…

3 3
Josh Griffiths

Crowdfunding Analysis Time is an amazing title, despite what you otherwise might think. Let’s get that out…

1 1
Josh Griffiths

What an odd little thing Ira’s demo turned out to be. It didn’t start that way, putting…