Inside the G.E.R. Laboratories: First Contact
Another View of Paradise Lost: First Contact
“The greatest finding of all time.” The leech in the lab coat was approaching my tube, alongside him an unfamiliar face. “A new form of Photosynthetic life.” he points towards in my direction, his prized possession. Absolutely disgusting.
“Beautiful, isn’t it?” He’s emanating pride and excitement. Selten was grinning from cheek to cheek. At least he wasn’t Schneider.
The young man with him observes me curiously, seeming taken aback. His eyes appear to be conquering the entirety of his face, mouth remaining open in wonder. “It is..intelligent?” He asks, eyes fixed on me, hand resting on the glass. This human doesn’t watch me in the same manner as the other lab staff.
Selten kept quiet, unsure what answer would be appropriate but maintained composure. “Come this way, you must meet Schneider, the top scientist in our facility. The man with all the answers.” He gestured for the gentleman to accompany him. Things felt tense and rushed, as if he were in a hurry to leave. “He’ll answer any questions you have.” The young man didn’t respond.
“Doctor Warren,” he pressed, ” would you please come with me?”
He seemed reluctant to leave but decided joined him. “This is definitely not what I had in mind for my genetic studies. What molecular engineer could say he began his career studying an..alien?”
“None because no one is to know about this, Warren. This is a classified matter. G.E.R. labs is changing the world.” Selten sounded sour as he scribbled down notes on his clipboard.
The further they advanced into the lab, the softer their voices became.
I was feeling dizzy, confined in this tube without anything to do. Was I merely a puppet for these twigs to play with? Revolting fools. They sicken me with their beady eyes and hungry faces, carrying on in their white cloaks and selfish demeanor.
Time is intangible at this point. Who knows how long I’ve rested in this glass container and how much longer I have.
For now, I’ll rest.
Hours later, I am awakened by the wails of the security sirens. “Security breached – Security breached!” I escape my tube, unsure where to go. Disoriented, I scurried to the nearest open floor panel. An opportunity to flee, alas! Somehow, an escape plan must be fabricated.
Voices were getting louder down the opposite part of the sewer. Naturally, I follow.
“He may start to question our studies, Schneider. I am concerned,” Selten declared, nervously watching over the large test tube before him. Inside, a being with the physique of a human but with limbs matching my own floated lifelessly. This species never existed before to my knowledge. What is that peculiar creature?
What have they done to me?
Schneider scoffed, shaking his head in disbelief. ” Don’t concern yourself with such trivialities, there are more important things to fret over.” He chuckled, “He’ll be removed by any means necessary.”
“This is like the Cold War, Doctor..we need to make sacrifices and take advantage by whatever means..”
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[author image=”” ]Julie Morley is a freelance writer and comic artist from Spring, Texas. She attended the Academy of Art University for two years, studying Animation and Illustration. Whilst here, she learned about writing comic scripts, storyboards, and general storytelling. Since leaving college, she has been working on personal comic projects, stories, and illustrations. She aspires to release a self published comic within two years. For the majority of her life, she has been playing console games, typically being third-person shooters and sandboxes. Her favorite game of existence is Dark Cloud II (Dark Chronicle) and her favorite Indie game is Gone Home.[/author]
[…] Be sure to check out Julies’ recent “Another View” column that she devoted to Paradise Lost: First Contact. […]