
Logan Fieth Discusses Four Sided Fantasy

By Greg Micek


four1Cliqist : I must ask about the name, Four Sided Fantasy. I get the reference to the 4th wall, but the name sounds so racy. Are you worried about uninformed dissatisfied customers?

Logan Fieth : I have to admit that I have a hard time coming up with names. Coming up with a name for Four Sided Fantasy took a while, but I think what we ended up with explains the game quite well.

Four Sided refers to the four sides of the screen, as well as the four walls of a cubicle (the main character works in an office). It also keeps Four in the title for players familiar with The Fourth Wall. Lastly, Fantasy brings to mind the setting, as well as a daydream.


four2Cliqist : Four Sided Fantasy seems to really reward outside of the box thinking. Do you worry about hurting the feelings of those who can only think inside the box?

Logan Fieth : In developing games, you eventually realize that you can’t make everyone happy. I try to make the best game that I can without worrying about who won’t play it, instead thinking about the people that are playing it.


Cliqist : Where did you get your last idea for a puzzle within the game?

Logan Fieth : Early on, I realized that tilting the camera changes how the screen wrap works, allowing for new puzzles. I had been developing levels with this concept in mind for a while, happy with having the camera at a specific angle for a whole level.

Once I revealed the game to the public, viewers assumed that they would have control over the camera rotation, when in reality, it was pre-determined on a level-by-level basis. I quickly implemented control over the camera rotation, and it turned out to be way more interesting! It was right in front of my nose the whole time. So, to answer the question, feedback from viewers and players informed the latest puzzles.


four3Cliqist : What moment in your game developing career are you most proud of?

Logan Fieth : Launching Perspective. The game got a ton of attention, and I was really happy with the final result. It also proved to myself that I was more than a one-hit wonder. It was a rewarding experience to be able to focus on level design and work with a larger team. I also think we nailed the ending, in stark contrast to the ending to The Fourth Wall, which I feel was a bit weak (aside from the end credits song).


Cliqist : How is this interview going for you so far?

Logan Fieth : Pretty good. I skipped #3 for now because I haven’t made a new puzzle in a while, I’ve been too busy focusing on the Kickstarter. Typing this on an iPad is working pretty well.


four4Cliqist : If you could let people reading about your game for the first time know one thing, what would it be?

Logan Fieth : That I’ve spent about 6 months working on the game pre-Kickstarter campaign, and that if the campaign isn’t successful, it most likely won’t see the light of day. If you want to see the game exist, I encourage you to check out the Kickstarter page.


Cliqist : What would be your fantasy for Four Sided Fantasy?

Logan Fieth : My fantasy for Four Sided Fantasy would be for the Kickstarter to be a success and for it to allow me to continue making games as a career. The indie game scene is so much more interesting to me than the AAA space, and I want to contribute to it in any way that I can.


four5Cliqist : What would you say to someone that’s on the fence about backing Four Sided Fantasy?

Logan Fieth : That the original game, The Fourth Wall, is just the tip of the iceberg of what you’ll experience in Four Sided Fantasy. The team has learned so much since we launched The Fourth Wall, and there are a ton of possibilities with the new game. I particularly enjoy surprises and discovery in games, and I can promise you that there will be plenty of both in Four Sided Fantasy.


Cliqist : Can you close us out with a Four Sided Fantasy inspired haiku?

Logan Fieth :

Go out the right side

We call this process screen wrap

Come out on the left


You can learn more about Four Sided Fantasy by heading over to its Kickstarter campaign page.  Funding runs until May 7th.


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About the Author

Greg Micek

Greg Micek has been writing on and off about games since the late nineties, always with a focus on indie games. He started in 2000, which was one of the earliest gaming sites to focus exclusively on indie games.

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