The roaring twenties, a time of such youth, culture, and progress. The times were changing and roles were shifting in our society. Swing, jazz, alcohol, and parties like you couldn’t imagine. It was a time to remember. Now, let’s apply this to an RPG. As a sucker for any sort of period piece, whether it’s film, television, or games, I’m all over it.
Which is what makes Witchmarsh a game that really caught my eye.
Twelve individuals went missing under mysterious circumstances and it’s up to your investigator to figure it out. Inglenook took the concept of mystery and exploration and got a little crazy with their theme. With about ten playable characters to mix and match for both a humorous and efficient outcome along with over 50 abilities to mix and match, not only are your playable characters customizable but so is your party. The players are in charge of how their investigation is going to go, choosing between 2 and 4 characters for co-op mode. However, if a player feels like going solo, they can try and solve the mystery in a single player campaign just fine.
In Witchmarsh the trip is anything but easy nor pretty. Despite traveling with your group all over scenic rural America, there are plenty of surprises along the way whether it is hordes of alcohol bootleggers or bosses. Luckily, with a full-fledged crafting system, users are able to build their PI to handle just about everything imaginable.
The Witchmarsh Kickstarter campaign just launched Friday and it’s already off to a very, very positive start. The developers at Inglenook have already raised almost £13,000 of their £50,000 goal. The campaign will conclude June 15th.
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