boothill2RPGs are good fun, and they’re even more fun when you get one to three friends involved in the experience. In addition to that, everything is irrefutably better in the Wild West. Guns? They got em. Hookers? Literally thousands of them. Drinking water? Screw water, there’s alcohol everywhere! It also seems that co-op western RPG Boot Hill Heroes has a wealth of things to offer, and the Gods of Steam Greenlight have finally smiled down upon this Earthbound-inspired gem, because after a mass approval of 75 Greenlight titles on June 11th, Boot Hill Heroes jumped from being almost in the Top 100 to being the 65th game down from the top! So, what has to happen to get this sucker Greenlit? Well, a few things.

boothill4First of all, if the Steam Greenlight program keeps doing what it’s been doing, the top 75 games in the Greenlight cue will be given the Green at the end of this month. Now, even though Boot Hill Heroes is currently 65th in the cue (setting it up to be Greenlit at the end of the month), it needs to stay there, which means that now, more than ever, Boot Hill Heroes needs you to strap on your voting hats. This is the most vital part of the process, and if we can keep Boot Hill at 75th or higher until the end of the month, Steam will hopefully have a new Greenlight-pocalypse and Boot Hill Heroes (along with anything else up there) will be passed through. So go vote your pants off! There are tons of good titles in the pipes right now, and since the vast majority of them just got a huge jump in line, now’s a better time than ever to go vote for Boot Hill Heroes and all the other Greenlight games you want to see come out!

If you’d like to learn more about Boot Hill Heroes be sure to check out our review of it, it’s well worth a look!


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About the Author

Nathaniel Liles

Nathaniel Liles is a freelance writer, writing major, and indie musician based in Southern Indiana. While procrastinating or avoiding real-world responsibility, Nathaniel enjoys playing rhythm games, action RPGs, and very colorful games with many bright, flashing lights. You can listen to Nathaniel sing songs or download his music for free at

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