Prepare to hop on your fire breathing chicken, drink some mead, and get into some sweet local co-op for the upcoming Dungeons: Eye of Draconus, and get the hype train all stoked up and ready to go, because a new trailer has been released that closes with the release date for this hilarious action romp through fantasy clichés and diabetic barbarians.
Ever-aware of the place that local co-op holds in the hearts of, Dungeons is a no-compromise 3-player adventure that will lead you into the deepest depths of soul-wrenching horror itself. You can ride weird snails, you can beat up orkish frat boys, and you can fight a gnome atop a giant mechanical fear-bot.
For those of you who don’t have the time to watch the video, here are the footnotes. The video opens with a few funny one-line introductions for all three playable characters, then delves right into the features of the game, including mounted combat, diverse enemies, and the sweet, sweet co-op that will make this game so good. You’ll fight kobolds, crash orkish frat parties, and more, and we can all get into the action on August 1st if everything continues to go according to plan.
Dungeons: The Eye of Draconus has already been in development for several years, the original idea stemming way back in 2003, and after over a decade of story development, studio changes, and production, the epic tale of killing lots of things is almost ready for our eyeballs.
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