wildwarfare1A programmer on the Hyper Hippo development team took a leap of faith and over the course of one weekend created a tasteful and undeniably fun prototype and FPS engine using the source code from previous games. Immediately, the office was smitten by his engaging prototype and after some polishing, it was posted on the team’s website. To their surprise, this alpha gained an unexpectedly tremendous amount of attention and when their servers maxed out, Hyper Hippo knew they were on to something.

And so, Wild Warfare was born.

How can you turn away the opportunity to be a furry critter with fancy hats, cool vehicles, and guns. I’ll give you a hint. You can’t.

Wild Warfare is designed as a classic FPS with vehicles. It follows a class system with various rankings, classes, and interesting hats (seriously, hats). In three different game modes, players compete with various furious furrballs, equip weaponry, and either go against friends or complete strangers in Wild Warfare’s free to play glory. Either way, it’s awesome and fun.

wildwarfare2Hyper Hippo Games has approached the Kickstarter community for $24K to improve and expand Wild Warfare. With the funding, we can expect to see additional game modes, characters, and possible console expansion. This Canadian indie studio will need the funds by July 24th to complete Wild Warfare. If certain stretch goals are met, Hyper Hippo will hire on additional staff members to push for Wild Warfare’s completion by the end of this year.

Nearly $3,500 CAD has already been raised already and considering Wild Warfare was Greenlit on Steam within 5 days of the launch, it appears the odds are definitely in Hyper Hippo’s without a doubt and we’re in for another successful crowdfunded campaign.


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About the Author

Julie Morley

Julie Morley is a freelance writer and comic artist from Spring, Texas. She attended the Academy of Art University for two years, studying Animation and Illustration. Whilst here, she learned about writing comic scripts, storyboards, and general storytelling. Since leaving college, she has been working on personal comic projects, stories, and illustrations. She aspires to release a self published comic within two years. For the majority of her life, she has been playing console games, typically being third-person shooters and sandboxes. Her favorite game of existence is Dark Cloud II (Dark Chronicle) and her favorite Indie game is Gone Home.

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