It’s really hard to take a game from 2D to 3D. Just look at Bubsy. Now, I’m not trying to say that the two 2D Bubsy games weren’t complete and total travesties, but just look at Bubsy 3D. Goodness gracious. Well, for the same reason it was nigh impossible to successfully bring many games into the realm of 3D, adventure games have mostly stayed in the comfortable realm of 2D, not only because it’s a particularly tough concept to transfer over, but because 2D is comfortable. Now, with the help of famed adventure game studio Microids, Paul Cuisette, the man behind the classic Flashback is at the helm of a new project – Subject 13.
Subject 13 bears many hallmarks of a point and click adventure game, and it appears to be bringing these item-based puzzles and exploratory storytelling into the 3D realm with unmatched grace. The first thing I noticed about Subject 13 is that it is gorgeous. All of the puzzles demonstrated in the video on the Kickstarter page are unique and interesting, and item manipulation is incredible. Subject 13 is planned to have AAA level graphics, great sound, immersive gameplay, and support for multiple platforms including Oculus Rift functionality.
If you’ve ever enjoyed an adventure game, or ever derived satisfaction from realizing that that thing you picked up two hours ago is exactly what you need to progress, you should definitely check out Subject 13. Donating just a dollar gets you a cool Facebook banner, so you can show your support to all kinds of people! If Subject 13 meets its $40,000 goal, it’ll be coming to PC, Mac, Android, and iOS along with Oculus Rift support.
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